  • 學位論文


A Study on the Design and Establishment of an Digital Humanities Oriented Taiwan Biographical Database

指導教授 : 柯皓仁


資訊科技高度發展所帶來的衝擊,數位資料的大量產出,也影響到研究者研究的進程與方法。面對到龐大的資料,資訊科技能輔助人文研究,達到節省時間、呈現隱藏關係的成效,過往幾年「數位人文」開始被提起並加以應用。數位人文指的是應用資訊科技於那些唯有透過資訊科技的輔助,才有辦法由浩如煙海的資料中探勘,並尋找研究的相關議題。 方志用以記載一地之風土民情,本研究透過數位人文以輔助,建置臺灣歷史人物傳記資料庫,初期以《新修彰化縣志・人物志》做為勘考、建置架構的對象。透過資訊科技的引入及輔助,可協助對於地方志的研究過程、結果之解讀,擺脫以往文字或書面的型式,而歷史研究者可以由圖表概念著手,建立史觀並加以解釋。以瞭解並探究應用數位人文於地方志歷史研究,其研究、成果之解讀與呈現之系統需求。藉由運用資訊科技,宏觀地處理大量資料,獲得概觀的方向,供歷史研究者參考、判斷與解讀,或提供不同面向的觀點,並以視覺化的輔助處理,則可提供一個全新的視角,供歷史研究者參考。 臺灣歷史人物傳記資料庫採三層式架構,區分為資料呈現、資料探勘及資料儲存與處理,另因應歷史學家研究之需求,發展出全文檢索,包含若干資料探勘、呈現之介面或功能,並處理老照片之人臉偵測,以協助標示老照片,並進行相關社群網絡探勘。此外,為便於對歷史人物能有更精確且統一的描述與知識的再利用,與便於和其它系統進行資訊的交換,本研究另提出建置臺灣近代歷史人物資料之知識本體,知識本體不僅能滿足現行資料庫之需求,更轉出特定鏈結資料格式,與外部系統交換。 數位科技的優勢在於處理大量資料與呈現圖表,透過系統所提供的查詢介面、互動式圖表及探勘工具,可精省過去人工判讀所耗費的時間,將有限的時間投注於新的研究議題、或發掘潛在研究問題。


Rapid development of information technology and the massive output of digital data has affected researchers’ research process and methods. Facing the huge data, information technology could assist humanities research, saving time and presenting hidden relationships. In the past, Digital Humanities has begun to be mentioned and applied. Digital Humanities refers to the application of information technology to those that can only be explored from the huge data with the assistance of information technology, and to find relevant topics in it for research. In this research, we establish a biographical database of Taiwanese historical figures, Taiwan Biographical Database (TBDB) from the lens of Digital Humanities; we develop a database and a set of analytical tools according to the characteristics of modern Taiwanese history and historical figures. TBDB can assist in the interpretation of the research process and results from these local gazetteers. One of the major purposes of developing the TBDB is to build a model for the exploration of Taiwan history, either through the prosopography, SNA, or GIS analyses. TBDB employs the n-tier architecture, and is divided into three layers, namely data presentations, data exploration, and data storage and processing. In addition, in response to the research needs of historians, a variety of functions have been developed, including full-text search, data exploration functions and presentation interfaces. A function that detects human faces from old photos is developed for helping mark old photos and conduct related social network exploration. In addition, in order to facilitate a more accurate and unified description of historical figures and the reuse of knowledge, as well as to facilitate the exchange of information with other systems, this research also proposes the establishment of an ontology of historical figures in Taiwan. The ontology can not only to meet the needs of the current database, it also transfers out a specific link data format for exchange with external systems. The advantage of digital technology lies in processing huge data and presenting charts. Through the query interface, interactive charts and exploration tools provided by TBDB, the time spent on manual interpretation in the past can be reduced, and historians can focus their time on discovering new research topics or potential research issues.


CBETA數位研究平臺。檢自 http://cbeta-rp.dila.edu.tw/
