  • 學位論文


The Road Not Taken: A Study of the Career Development Process of the Street Performers with Acquired Visual Impairment

指導教授 : 杞昭安


本研究旨在探討中途視覺障礙街頭藝人職業生涯發展歷程,以及探討影響中途視覺障礙街頭藝人職業生涯發展因素。本研究以質性研究取向中的敘事研究法作為研究方法,以深度訪談與現場觀察為主要資料蒐集方式,訪談四位中途視覺障礙街頭藝人,資料蒐集整理完成後,將各類資料歸納分類並摘取主題,再進行綜合分析。 研究結果說明如下: 一、中途視覺障礙街頭藝人職業生涯歷程,依序為「啟蒙期」、「探尋期」、「沉潛期」、「心流期」、「回饋期」、「朝向自我實現期」六個時期,此六個時期是「不斷前進」的過程,以啟蒙期為基礎朝向自我實現期邁進,且自我實現期並非職業生涯發展的終點。 二、影響中途視覺障礙街頭藝人職業生涯發展歷程的因素,可歸結為「個人因素」、「場域因素」、「系統因素」三環因素概念,三環因素皆是由數項小因素構成,各因素之間互相牽引,影響個體職業選擇、職業調適、與職業轉換。 研究建議如下: 依本研究之結論,提出具體建議供政府機構、啟明學校、藝文協會、視障街頭藝人、社會大眾、與未來研究參考。


The purpose of this study was to examine the career development process of street performers with acquired visual impairment and the factors that influence career development. The study adopted a qualitative narrative approach and conducted semi-structured interviews with 4 street performers with acquired visual impairment. This study collected data through in-depth interviews and field observations. All data interpretations from the qualitative study were transcribed and the researcher classified all textual data, extracted themes, and analyzed them. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.The career development process of street performers with acquired visual impairment is orderly: "enlightenment phase", "exploration phase", "incubation phase", "flow phase", "feedback phase" and "self-actualization phase". These six phases are a process of "continuous progress" that builds on the enlightenment phase and approaches the self-actualization phase. However, the self-actualization phase is not the end of career development. 2.The factors that influence the career development of street performers with acquired visual impairment can be attributed to the concepts of " personal factors ", " field factors ", and " system factors ". The three-ring factors are composed of several factors. Various factors lead to each other, affecting individual career choices, career adjustments, and career transitions. Finally, based on the conclusions, suggestions are made for government agencies, special schools for the visually impaired, arts and cultural associations, visually impaired street performers, the general public, and future research guidelines.


中華民國身心障礙者藝文推廣協會(2010)。望你來牽成。社團法人中華民國身心障礙者藝文推廣協會全球資訊網。檢索自 http://www.apad.org.tw/ap/news_view.aspx?bid=51&sn=09eb665b-cde9-47c5-b506-a357bdc077a7
