  • 學位論文


The Development of Athletes' Dual Career in Taiwan

指導教授 : 季力康


國外的雙重生涯研究大多著重在學生運動員族群,較少針對在職場工作的雙重生涯運動員做探討,而臺灣目前大多針對運動員的退休生涯、運動領域發展及影響轉換的因素探討,因此本研究欲探討臺灣運動員雙重生涯發展之現況,找尋促使雙重生涯平衡發展之因素。本研究採用質性深度訪談的方式,研究參與者招募採立意取樣,設定未具有學生身份且具有正職工作 (非職業運動) 之運動選手,選取4名符合條件的參與者進行深度訪談,4位皆為男性,田徑和籃球項目各2名,平均年齡為32.5歲,平均專項年齡為18.75年,最高運動層級皆為國家代表隊選手。研究結果:ㄧ、使雙重生涯發展產生不同面貌的主題為雙重生涯動機和運動文化與制度,雙重生涯動機包含的次主題為延續運動生涯、增加成功轉換的機會以及打破社會刻板印象;運動文化與制度的次主題則為職業運動不發達以及國家的政策與制度。二、使雙重生涯平衡發展的因素為:個人資源、社會支持、社會環境和身份認同。身份認同方面,多元的身份認同能促進雙重生涯的發展。


Most of the foreign dual career research focuses on student athletes, and less on athletes working in the workplace. However, most of research topics in Taiwan currently focuses on the retirement career of athletes, the development of sports fields and the factors that affect the transitions. Therefore, this research intends to study the current situation of Taiwanese athletes' dual career development, and to find the factors that promote the successful development of dual careers. In this study, a qualitative in-depth interview was adopted. Research participants recruited purposive sampling, set up athletes without student status and had full-time jobs (non-professional sports), and selected four qualified participants for in-depth interviews. All of them were men, two in track and field and two in basketball. The average age was 32.5 years, and the average age of competition year was 18.75 years. The highest level of sports was all national team players. The research results: A. The themes that make dual career development have different faces are dual career motivation and sports culture and system. The sub-themes of dual career motivation are continuation of sports career, increasing opportunities for successful conversion, and breaking social stereotypes; the sub-theme of social environment is undeveloped professional sports and national policies and systems. B. The factors that affect the balanced development of a dual career are: personal resources, social support, social ecology, and self-identity. In terms of self-identity, multiple identities can promote the development of dual careers.


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