  • 學位論文


A Study on the Fleshly Embodiment of Badminton— Inspired by Consciousness of Internal Time

指導教授 : 劉一民


本研究旨在貼近最真實的羽球運動實踐場域和經驗,照看羽球運動身體的時間性與 肉身性,揭示內在時間意識和羽球的「肉」相互示現與相互成就的關係。肉身時間與差 異的起「源」,是身體的內在時間意識的「能」啟動了身體和場域的聯結及相互流敞 的 關係,成為肉身;肉身表面上是和諧共感,看似趨向同質化,事實上是不斷地在產生「質 變」,當肉身被境遇觸發,肉身在對境遇的回應中創造不同、開顯差異;肉的質變中亦 存在著時間性的多種表現與質感,開拓出了各種時間差,正是身體創造性和不可預測性 的來源。最後,本研究也發現了肉身具有超凡性、超時空性、超理性、超己性等種種超 越性的特質。


This study aims to get close to the most realistic badminton practice field and experience, observes the temporality and corporeality of body when playing badminton, and reveals the complementing relationships between the internal time consciousness and the fleshly embodiment of badminton. The fleshly embodiment of badminton originated from the “flow”of the body's internal time consciousness, which activates the connection and mutually open relationship between the body and the badminton world. At the first glance the corporeal body is harmonious and sympathetic with itself, the other bodies and the badminton world, while it is actually constantly encountering endless “ differences and changes. changes.” When the corporeal body is triggered by a circumstance, it creates and reveals boundless concealed and unpredictable responses to the situation. There are also multiple manifestations and textures of temporality in the qualitative change o f the corporeal body, which derives various time differences that are the source of fleshly embodiment creativity . Finally, this study finds that the fleshly embodiment of badminton has various breakthrough characteristics such as transcendency, trans– temporality, trans– rationality, and super– egoism.


佛克(Dan Falk),《探索時間之謎:宇宙最奇妙的維度》(嚴麗娟譯),臺北:貓頭鷹,2010。
胡塞爾(Edmund Husserl),《內時間意識現象學》(倪梁康譯),大陸:商務印書館,2010。
