  • 學位論文


The application research of Habermas theory of communication action in the reuse of idle space on campus

指導教授 : 吳清基


臺灣於2020年的人口總數呈現負成長,將持續面臨少子女化的衝擊,學校面對學齡人口減少以致於產生校園閒置空間,後續的再利用成為一項複雜且重要的課題。為發揮資源再利用的效益,因此應用哈伯瑪斯溝通行動理論加以探討,首先分析溝通行動理論內涵,並探討校園閒置空間再利用之案例,再將溝通行動理論應用於校園閒置空間再利用之實務。本研究針對延續既有教育機能與創造新價值兩類校園閒置空間再利用之案例進行質性研究,蒐集科長、承辦人、現場管理人員及社區代表共計8人對於校園閒置空間再利用歷程與成效的看法。 歸納相關資料後,將溝通行動理論歸納為合理性規準、合法性規準、有效性規準,並且於校園閒置空間再利用具有規範引導作用;研究發現在用前評估階段缺乏溝通,對於再利用政策的預期效益與滿意度並無明顯影響;規劃執行階段需要資源整合以營運管理,並暢通溝通管道了解使用者需求;在用後評估階段旨在修正缺失,以提升滿意度與預期效益。 依據研究結果,研究者分別向中央主管行政機關、地方政府、社區與利害關係人以及未來研究提出建議,藉以提供未來執行校園閒置空間再利用之參考,並充分發揮公有資產之效益。


The gross population in Taiwan has been decreasing since 2020. The low birth rate has great impact on schools, and more and more schools have to deal with idle space because of low school-age population. The reuse of idle space on campus becomes a complicated but important issue. The purpose of this study is to explore the application of reuse of idle space on campus. This qualitative research study guided by Habermas Theory of Communicative Action used in-depth interviewed to collect data from 8 participants who were the section chiefs, case officers, space administrators and community representatives. The research findings show that lacking of communication during pre-occupancy evaluation stage does not influence the expectation effect or the satisfaction. On the other hand, communication is important for integrating resource, operations management, users’ needs during execution stage. Modifying deficiency is also important during post-occupancy evaluation stage that would also increase expectation effect or the satisfaction. Suggestions of this research study for government officers, policy makers and community representatives are discussed.


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