  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Junior High School Students' Family Relationships and Peer Relationships on Online Gaming Consumptions

指導教授 : 魏秀珍


越來越多的國中生選擇網路遊戲作為日常休閒的重心,除了消耗許多時間在遊戲上,亦有不少國中生會在遊戲中儲值消費,但相關研究目前多著重在研究國中生網路成癮的因素,較少著墨其在網路遊戲中消費的行為。本研究旨在瞭解當代國中生在網路遊戲中進行消費的現況,並探討家人關係與同儕關係是否會對國中生在網路遊戲中消費的動機、行為有所影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以國中生作為研究對象,於臺北市、新北市與桃園市三地區發放實體問卷進行便利抽樣,總共取得有效樣本453份,研究結果如下: 1.共有173人過去半年曾於網路遊戲中進行消費,在全體資料中約佔四成(37.8%)。 2.性別顯著影響於網路遊戲中消費的動機與行為,男性(M=55.52,SD=22.93)之消費動機、消費行為顯著高於女性(M=46.24,SD=20.33)。 3.零用錢顯著影響在網路遊戲中之消費動機與行為,每月份可支配零用錢金額在新台幣501元以上者,在網路遊戲中的消費動機、消費行為顯著高於沒有零用錢者。 4.負向家人關係對國中生於網路遊戲中的消費動機具影響力,負向家人關係感受越深,可預測其在網路遊戲中會有更高的消費動機。 5.國中生在網路遊戲中的消費動機對消費行為有顯著影響,消費動機越強烈,可預測其消費行為增加。 本研究依據結果提供建議,期望提供國中生之家長、主要照顧者、教學現場教師、相關領域研究者做為參考。


There has been a trend that more and more junior high school students are spending their leisure time on online gaming. Besides consuming a certain amount of their time, these populations of teenagers are also spending their money on buying gaming credits as if it is a meaningful investment. While most prior studies were focusing on the investigations of online gaming addiction, this research has emphasized the analysis of their consumption behaviors during the game time, as well as, comprehending the extent to which these behaviors are affected by their family relationships and peer relationships. After conducting a questionnaire survey on junior high school students, a total of 453 valid samples were obtained and analyzed as follows: 1. Among those surveyed, a total of 173 students, accounting for 37.8%, have had various consumption behaviors while online gaming in the past six months. 2. Male(M=55.52, SD=22.93)students’ intentions of gaming consumption are significantly higher and spending more than that of female students (M=46.24, SD=20.33). 3. Teenagers whose pocket money is above NT$501 have stronger intentions to purchase virtual goods and spend more than those who don’t have pocket money. 4. The factor of negative family relationships resulted in stronger consumption intentions during game time. 5. Junior high students’ consumption intentions during online gaming have a significant positive impact on their consumption behaviors. This research is conducted and analyzed for the purpose of providing additional inputs to junior high school student guardians, instructors, and other related personnel. Keywords:virtual goods、consumer motivation、consumer behavior、 family relationships、peer relationships


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