  • 學位論文


The Applications of Portable GC on Industrial Processes and Emission Monitoring

指導教授 : 呂家榮


本研究以實驗室自行開發、組裝的可攜式氣相層析儀,搭配桌上型氣相層析質譜儀,對工業製程排放之揮發性有機物(VOCs)進行分析。工業製程產生的揮發性有機物存在於作業場域環境、排放廢水甚至原料及產品等,必須透過合適的樣品前處理方法進行採樣分析。因此本篇研究將分為三個部分,第一部份,針對工業場所逸散之氣體VOCs使用氣袋配製,挑選工業常見十一種VOCs進行儀器性能測試,當中十種VOCs之偵測下限低於1 ppb;第二部份,為水中揮發性有機物之研究,選擇三種半導體製程常用溶劑,使用吹氣捕捉法進行採樣,並根據理論吹氣曲線之基礎,對水中低溶解度及高溶解度之VOCs使用不同定量方法,並設計活性碳過濾管模擬半導體製程廢水處理;第三部份,針對超吸水聚合物產品進行分析,以頂空法採樣,發現超吸水聚合物在吸水過後,有三種化合物之濃度增加為原始數百甚至數千倍以上,推測是造成異味的主因,綜合上述結果,建立以可攜式氣相層析儀為工具,達成快速連續偵測工業製程及排放物監控之系統。


This research is about a portable gas chromatograph developed and assembled by our laboratory combined with a desktop gas chromatography mass spectrometer to analyze the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from industrial processes. VOCs from industrial processes exist in workplace environment, wastewater and even raw materials and products, and must be sampled and analyzed through appropriate sample pretreatment methods. Therefore, this research will be divided into three parts. In the first part, we selected 11 common VOC vapors using sampling bag for instrumental performance test, and the detection limit of 10 VOCs was lower than 1 ppb. The second part is the study of VOCs in water, we analyzed 3 commonly used solvents in the semiconductor industry with the purge and trap method, based on the theoretical purge curve, different quantification methods were used for VOCs with low and high solubility respectively, moreover, the activated carbon filter was designed to simulate the wastewater treatment. The last part is about olfactory analysis of superabsorbent polymers, we found that the concentration of three main compounds increased hundreds or even thousands of times after water absorption, which was inferred to the main cause of the unacceptable odor. To sum up, we hope to use the portable gas chromatograph as a tool to establish a system for rapid and continuous analysis on industrial processes and emission monitoring.


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