  • 學位論文


Using the eye tracking method to analyze the reading and identification of argument structure and the relation with scientific epistemic beliefs.

指導教授 : 楊芳瑩


現今科學教育的目標多強調培養具有「科學素養」的公民,能了解科學的貢 獻與限制、能善用科學知識與方法、能以理性積極的態度與創新的思維,面對日 常生活中各種與科學有關的問題,能做出評論、判斷及行動。本研究的設計主要 是利用眼球追蹤技術探討台灣北區大學以上學生的科學論證元素區辨表現、閱讀 科學論證教材的閱讀歷程與科學辨證信念的關係。基於研究動機與目的,本研究 有四個研究主軸與相關問題:一、探討台灣北部地區大學以上學生的科學論證元 素區辨表現;二、探討閱讀科論論證元素教材時的閱讀歷程;三、探討台灣北部 地區大學以上學生的科學辯證信念;四、分析科學論證元素區辨表現、閱讀歷程 與科學辯證信念的交互關係。此外,研究中亦分析了學科背景與性別的差異。因 此本研究之三個主要研究變項為大學以上學生「對科學論證結構的理解」、「閱讀 科學論證元素介紹教材時的閱讀歷程」與「學生的科學辯證信念」,以及上述三 者的交互關係。研究中的閱讀材料擷取自科學人雜誌,於閱讀過程中以眼球追蹤 技術紀錄受試者的閱讀過程資料,並運用研究者發展之「科學論證元素區辨測驗」 以了解受試者是否理解科學論證的結構,最後以「科學辯證信念問卷」偵測學生 的科學認識信念。本研究使用的研究工具主要分為 Tobii X3-120 眼動儀、科學論 證元素閱讀教材、論證元素辯證前後測,以及辯證信念問卷。 結果顯示,大學生對論證架構元素的區辨表現在前測時,非理組比理組佳、女生比男生佳;但經閱讀論證架構教材後則是理組比非理組佳、而女生依然比男生佳。大學生閱讀論證架構時注意力主要放在論證定義、論證架構、證據定義;閱讀論證實例時,注意力則放在資料、標準、反駁、主張。無論是理組、非理組、男生或女生經由閱讀科學論證介紹教材可以提昇科學論證架構元素的區辨表現。而論證元素區辨前測與主張、資料、論證等區域的眼動指標相關達顯著; 論證元素區辨後測與主張、資料、論證等區域的眼動指標相關達顯著;前後測之 差距(進步幅度)則與標準、主張、反駁、論證、問題等區域的眼動指標相關達顯著。在科學辯證信念方面,對女生來說,越不相信權威辯證信念,後測平均準確率越高;對理組來說,越相信多方資料辯證信念,後測平均準確率越高。


Nowadays, the goal of science education mostly emphasizes the cultivation of citizens with "scientific literacy.” Such citizens should understand the contributions and limitations of science, make good use of scientific knowledge and methods, face various science related problems in daily life with a rational and positive attitude and innovative thinking, and make comments, judgments and actions. Above requirements have much to do with the ability to perform scientific argumentation. This study aimed to explore the relationships among learning, understanding of TAP (Toulmin’s Argument Pattern) structure and scientific epistemic beliefs of college students in Northern Taiwan. Based on the research purpose, this study involved the following three research tasks. The first was to explore college students’ ability to identify the elements of the TAP structure. The second was to explore how students learned the TAP structure with an online reading material designed to introduce TAP by applying the eye tracking method. The last task was to explore students’ scientific epistemic beliefs, and to analyze the relationships with the learning and understanding of the TAP structure. The three main research variables of this study were College Students' “performance of identifying the elements of TAP structure," “visual attention patterns to the reading material” and "Scientific epistemic beliefs." The reading material were adopted from 5 articles published in a popular science magazine, “Scientific American.” During reading, students’ eye movements were recorded by the Tobii X3-120 eye tracking system. Two element identification tests were developed to assess students’ understanding about TAP structure before and after the reading activity. Meanwhile, students’ scientific epistemic beliefs were examined by the Justification Beliefs Questionnaire . The results show that students in social-study majors performed better the understanding of TAP than did those in science majors, and females received higher scores than males did. When participants were reading TAP material, they focused more on argument definitions, argument framework, and evidence definitions. Meanwhile, when reading TAP examples, more attention was given to data, criteria, rebuttals, and claims. Our study showed that reading the TAP material designed in the study improved students’ performance of identifying the elements of TAP structure. In terms of scientific justification beliefs, for girls, the less they believed in Justification by Authority, the higher scores of the post-test they demonstrated. For students in science majors, the more they believed in Justification by multiple sources the higher scores of post-test they got.


