  • 學位論文


Preservice Preschool Teachers' Multicultural Education Competency: The Predictive Effect of Professional Agency

指導教授 : 賴文鳳


本研究旨在探討幼兒園教育實習生專業能動性與多元文化教育素養的內涵,以及不同背景變項在專業能動性與多元文化教育素養的差異情形。此外,探究幼兒園教育實習生的背景變項、專業能動性與多元文化教育素養之關聯性。本研究採問卷調查法進行研究,研究工具為「幼兒園教育實習生專業能動性問卷」與「多元文化教育素養問卷」。以幼兒園教育實習生為研究對象,有效樣本為208人。調查所得問卷以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、點二系列相關、皮爾森積差相關以及逐步多元迴歸進行分析。依據資料分析結果,本研究的研究發現如下: 一、幼兒園教育實習生的整體專業能動性自評表現屬於中高程度以上。 二、幼兒園教育實習生的整體多元文化教育素養自評表現屬於中高程度以上。 三、幼兒園教育實習生的「是否有修習多元文化相關課程」在多元文化教育素養 上有顯著差異,且有修習者的多元文化教育素養自評分數高於未修習者。 四、幼兒園教育實習生的「是否有修習多元文化相關課程」與多元文化教育素養 呈現顯著相關,且有修習者的多元文化教育素養自評分數高於未修習者。 五、幼兒園教育實習生的專業能動性與多元文化教育素養呈現中度正相關。 六、幼兒園教育實習生的「專業能動性」對多元文化教育素養具有44.9%的正向 預測力,在專業能動性的四個構面中,「觀察學習」對多元文化教育素養具有36%的正向預測力;「營造合作學習的環境」對多元文化教育素養具有5.1%的正向預測力;「教學省思」對多元文化教育素養具有3.5%的正向預測力。


First of all, the study aimed to explore the connotation of the preservice preschool teachers’ professional agency and multicultural education competency. After that, the study examined the differences in the individual variables of preservice preschool teachers on their professional agency and multicultural education competency. Finally, the study analyzed the correlation of the preservice preschool teachers’ individual variables, professional agency and multicultural education competency. The data were collected from the 208 preschool preservice teachers by “Preservice Preschool Teachers’ Professional Agency Questionnaire” and “Multicultural Education Competency Questionnaire.” They were analyzed using the descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance, point-biserial correlation, Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression. The anticipated findings of the study were as follows: 1. The preservice preschool teachers’ professional agency was above High-intermediate degree. 2. The preservice preschool teachers’ multicultural education competency was above high-intermediate degree. 3. There was a significant difference in the preservice preschool teachers’ multicultural education competency in the experience of multicultural education-related courses. Moreover, those who took courses related to multicultural education performed better than those who didn’t. 4. There was a significant correlation between preservice preschool teachers’ the experience of multicultural education-related courses and multicultural education competency. In addition, those who took courses related to multicultural education performed better than those who didn’t. 5. There was a positive correlation between the preservice preschool teachers’ professional agency and multicultural education competency. 6. Preservice preschool teachers’ professional agency had 44.9% positive predictive effect on multicultural education competency. Among the four dimensions of professional agency, modeling had 36% positive predictive effect on multicultural education competency;collaborative learning environment had 5.1% positive predictive effect on multicultural education competency;reflection in classroom had 3.5% positive predictive effect on multicultural education competency.


