  • 學位論文


Victim's Position in Criminal Procedure

指導教授 : 劉秉鈞


於現行刑事訴訟法制下,進幾年之刑事訴訟制度修法方向,努力朝向保護被於刑事訴訟程序修法為保護,相對的,犯罪的相對人—犯罪被害人之保護,則鮮有人顧及。惟犯罪被害人,為於該犯罪行為之下,受害最深、並對整個犯罪知之甚詳之人,是除應探討犯罪被害人於刑事訴訟程序所得受之保障外,亦應顧及於真實發現之要求下,避免對於被害人造成二次傷害。 是本文就現行法下之規定,併參相關專書以及期刊論文,嘗試在現行制度下,盡量擴張法條之解釋,以對犯罪被害人為保障。是藉由討論被害人於刑事訴訟程序上之地位,以研究在各該不同之地位下,被害人所得擁有之權利。 是現行法下之被害人,若為訴訟程序上之告訴人,其得行使之權利,自遠高於非為告訴人之證人,惟就告訴之規定,卻因實務設有門檻,而致並非所有法益受侵害之人,皆得為告訴。若為自訴人,因其為訴訟程序進行之主體,賦予其訴訟主體第位固屬無疑,惟因其非如同檢察官,掌握有國家公權力之行使,是應賦予其相當之權利,以對其為保障。且除告訴人、自訴人之地位外,若被害人身為證人,因其就該犯罪受有損害甚深,是應就其為程序上之保障,以免造成二度傷害,則為其身為證人時,刑事訴訟制度之目標。


In criminal procedure, we always focus on how to protect the right of the defendant. However, we always ignore the right of the victim. Indeed, the victim is the one who suffer from the crime, so we have to figure out how to protect the victim in criminal procedure. This study consists of seven chapters. To begin with, we will begin by introducing the motive、propose、method and range of this study. Then, we discuss the basic concept of the victim in chapter 2. Behind the definition of the victim, this paper introduces the theories of why should we protect the victim in chapter3. Finally, discussing victim’s position in criminal procedure and making conclusion. The study examines current enactment with regard to researching the criminal procedure rights of the criminal victims and introduces the theories of criminal victims’ protection. In particular, this thesis attempts to explain a further rule for the criminal procedure rights of the criminal victims. Although there are many international scholarly discussions on this particular issue, the current law still remains silent.


victim criminal


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