  • 學位論文


The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis on Bio-Ethanol Fuel Policy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張四立


近年來,由於全球對氣候暖化的關切、石油價格飆漲及能源安全疑慮升高等,各國皆致力於發展潔淨且永續的再生能源。使用傳統化石燃料其所排放之二氧化碳及有害物質皆可直接造成地球暖化及環境污染等問題,所以發展替代潔淨燃料是勢在必行的。 本研究係根據相關文獻蒐集,評估適合台灣發展之酒精能源作物以開發燃料酒精,分析國外進口燃料酒精、國外進口原料產製燃料酒精及台灣自產燃料酒精之方案之成本有效性。並以主要能源消耗者之ㄧ的運輸部門為例,建構台灣地區車用汽油需求模型,模擬未來台灣地區車用汽油需求量,情境分析政府自產生質酒精或進口生質酒精以推廣E3汽油政策之成效評估。 依據單位土地面積燃料酒精生產量與能源產出/投入兩面向綜合考量,適合台灣地區發展之酒精能源作物為甘蔗及甘藷。以成本角度考量,台灣地區燃料酒精發展以國外進口燃料酒精與自產甘藷搭配國外製程產製燃料酒精兩者較為成本有效性。 此外,本研究以迴歸分析法來模擬建構台灣地區未來車用汽油需求模型,根據預測的車用汽油需求量,設定二種情境分析,分別為情境一:2008年至2011年國內自產生質酒精推廣E3汽油之成效評估;情境二:2008年至2011年全面進口生質酒精以推廣E3汽油之成效評估。結果顯示,若台灣以自產能源作物發展生質酒精,雖不需從國外進口生質酒精即可達到生質酒精目標量,但因國內現有耕地不足,且農民接受政府補貼後之總收益反而減少,自產生質酒精的總成本還是高於進口生質酒精的總成本,所以自產生質酒精較不具經濟誘因。但其所帶來的生態、景觀及降低二氧化碳排放量等效益所創造出的整體利益是不容忽視的。


The global awareness respects to climate changes, soaring oil price, and energy crisis, etc. has arose in decades. The persistent anthropogenic activities burden the environment and cause the shortages of energy. To mitigate environmental damages and establish substantial development of mankind, scientists and governments devote themselves to seeking clean and renewable energies. CO2 and hazardous substances emitted from fossil fuel combustion have direct impacts on global warming and environmental pollution issue; therefore, the developments of alternative energy have become an imperative issue for Taiwan. This research aims to assess the most feasible energy crop for bio-ethanol fuel productions and analyze cost-effectiveness of the following alternatives (1) importing bio-ethanol fuel directly;(2) importing feedstock to produce bio-ethanol fuel;(3) planting energy crops to produce bio-ethanol fuel in Taiwan. Regression analyses of motor gasoline demanding models in Taiwan followed by the influences of gasohol strategies, such as planting energy crops to produce bio-ethanol fuel or importing bio-ethanol fuel to promote E3, enable Taiwan government to forecast the future motor gasoline demands. The result shows that sugarcane and sweet potato are two feasible feedstock of bio-ethanol fuel production in Taiwan. The result also shows that the most cost-effective alternatives of bio-ethanol development in Taiwan are importing bio-ethanol fuel directly and production of bio-ethanol fuel from sweet potato with foreign manufacturing processes. In addition, this research adopts regression analysis to construct future motor gasoline demanding model in Taiwan. According to the predicted motor gasoline demanding model, two scenarios are applied to evaluate the promotion results of E3 gasohol: (1) planting energy crops to produce bio-ethanol fuel of from 2008 to 2011; (2) importing bio-ethanol fuel from 2008 to 2011. The result of simulation shows that no import of bio-ethanol fuel is necessary for the fulfillment of the policy target set by the government; however, the limitation of land availability and insufficient subsidy from government result in higher bio-ethanol fuel production cost. Hence, planting energy crops to produce bio-ethanol fuel shows no economic incentives for the native farmers. Although bio-ethanol fuel is less economical attractive, the applications of bio-ethanol fuel certainly bring benefits to eco-system, landscape, and CO2 emission reduction.


林俊義、賴瑞聲,2007 。「台灣地區生質酒精作物評估」,農業試驗所技術服務。6月,70期,1-6。
