  • 學位論文


A Research Upon the Conflict of Law in Adoption Between ROC and PRC─Focusing on the Newly-Revised Adoption Rules in the ROC Civil Code

指導教授 : 林益山


論文提要內容: 本文係以兩岸收養法制衝突為研究對象,並以我國收養新制為中心。本文所欲達成之研究目的有四,即對我國現行收養法制進行一全面性之檢討、藉由比較法對我國收養法制提出具體建議、釐清兩岸對於收養法制衝突之解決方式,以及檢討現行實務見解以達理論與實務結合之目的。 本文之參考文獻主要為與兩岸收養法制及法律衝突相關之文獻,範圍包括學者論著、學位論文、期刊論文、修法會議紀錄、判解函示等,並運用文獻分析方法,分析相關文獻對此議題之見解;另亦運用比較研究方法,主要係以中華人民共和國與日本之立法例作為比較研究之對象,另亦有參考英國之立法例,期能藉由相關立法例之研究,與我國之收養法制相比較,希望能做為我國收養法制及衝突法制之借鏡作用,藉以發現我國相關法制尚須改進之處。 本文首先於第二章探討兩岸間國家議題及民事法律衝突之定位,認識到國家議題乃兩岸民事法律衝突之最大特色,並提出兩岸民事法律衝突應定位為準國際法律衝突之見解。第三章及第四章則係針對兩岸各自之收養法制進行探討,除指出現行法不當之處外,更提出相關具體之立法建議,以供我國及大陸將來修法之參考,且因研究兩岸收養法制衝突,不僅選法規則為重要之課題,選法後之法律適用更是一重要之議題,此乃探討兩岸收養法制之實益所在。第五章則係對兩岸收養法制進行比較研究,除詳細比較兩岸收養法制之異同外,更藉此發現兩岸收養法制衝突之所在,以利於法律衝突之解決。於第六章則討論兩岸收養法制衝突之解決,於我國方面,除介紹了我國台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例之規定外,更檢討了現行實務上常發生之問題;於大陸方面則係建議其將兩岸之法制衝突定位為準國際法律衝突,並制定選法規則,以解決現實存在且亟需解決之兩岸收養法制衝突。


This thesis is a study of the conflict of laws concerning the adoption rules between Republic of China (ROC) and People’s Republic of China (PRC), and is focusing on the newly-revised adoption rules of the ROC civil code. The study aims at achieving four goals. First, review the current adoption rules of the ROC civil code comprehensively. Second, advance specific proposals for the adoption rules in the ROC civil code through comparative study. Third, conciliate the conflict of laws concerning the adoption rules between ROC and PRC. Fourth, review the current judicial decisions to combine theory and practice. The main references of this study is the literature related to the adoption rules and the conflict of laws concerning the adoption rules between ROC and PRC. The scope of the references includes scholars’ writings, graduate theses, journal articles, the minutes to legislative amendment discussion conference, judicial decisions and interpretation letters. One of the approaches of this study is to analyze the opinions of the related literatures. Another approach is to conduct comparative study on the legislations in PRC and Japan. Further, this study also refers to the legislations of the United Kingdom. All the efforts are targeting on analyzing whether and how the ROC adoption rules could be improved. The second chapter is to probe into the cross-strait issue between ROC and PRC and the position of the conflict of civil laws. Recognizing that the cross-strait issue is the utmost characteristic of the conflict of civil laws between ROC and PRC, the conflict of civil laws between ROC and PRC should be orientated to quasi-international conflict of laws. Chapter 3 and chapter 4 are about the adoption rules in the ROC civil code and PRC adoption law. The aforesaid chapters not only find out the inadequacies of current regulations, but also advance specific amendment proposals for ROC and PRC to improve the laws in the future. To study the conflict of laws concerning the adoption rules between ROC and PRC, one should not focus on choice-of-law principles only, but examine the application of law after choosing an appropriate law. And this would make the advantage of this study. Chapter 5 is about the comparative study between the ROC civil code and PRC adoption law. In addition to comparing the similarities and differences, this study finds out the conflict of adoption rules between them, so as to help resolve the conflict of laws. Chapter 6 is the discussion on how to resolve the conflict of laws concerning the adoption rules between ROC and PRC. In the part of ROC practices, this study not only introduces “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area”, but also reviews the problems which the courts often encounter. In the part of PRC practices, this study advocates orientating the issue of conflict of laws between ROC and PRC to quasi-international conflict of laws, and establishes the choice of law rules to resolve the conflict of laws concerning the adoption rules between ROC and PRC, which are really exist and in urgent need of harmonization.




易新福(2014)。我國收養制度之研究 ∼以臺灣地區人民收養大陸地區未成年人為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00317
