  • 學位論文


Environment Impact & Benefit-Cost Analysis for Cross-Regional Cooperation of Incineration Plants— the Kaohsiung Metropolitan Area

指導教授 : 張四立博士


自從行政院環境保護署積極推動大型垃圾焚化廠興建工程迄今,有關垃圾處理問題可算是告一段落,可是目前卻面臨另一個問題,即各地之垃圾如何以最經濟、有效之方式運送到焚化廠,因此區域合作這個策略應運而生,由於這個策略必須焚化廠服務區域內之各鄉、鎮、市公所全力整合,方可彰顯區域合作之效能,因此本研究係假設打破行政區域之限制,運用數學模式以及配合現行作業程序所設計之模型,並利用電腦軟體LINDO加以運算,所得出之結果再利用成本效益分析方法加以呈現。 經由模型運算所得到之結果證明,第一種模式透過區域合作及搭配網路地圖所規劃之最短路徑顯示在運輸車次方面並無減少,但在清運里程方面則可以由14,056公里/日減少至12,894公里/日,達到本研究預估之初步目的。在模式二、三部分,經由區域合作措施加上配合轉運站設施則在運輸車次、清運里程數及車輛排放CO2均可達到一個降低之效果。


Since Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan R.O.C. proceeds the large-scale refuse incineration plant construction projects positively, the related refuse disposal question might be comeing to the end. But at present it faces another question, how to transport the refuse to the Incineration Plan using the most economical and effective way. Therefore, the regional cooperation became a new strategy. The efficiency of regional cooperation will be maximized if the degree of integration between various villages, townships, and government units with incineration plant service area arises. Using the computer software LINDO and utilizing the mathematical model to meet current operating procedures this research try to break the limitation of the local executive division in order to further probe the opportunity of the regional cooperation. The results are presented within the framework of Cost-effectiveness Analysis, the telated cost and effectiveness indicators are estimated accordingly. Operational results obtained by this mathematical model show that the first model of regional cooperation through the planning route map demonstrates the shortest path in the transport vehicle trips. It doesn’t have reduction effect in the transportation truck number but it shows reduction of total transportation distance from 14.056 kilometers/day to 12,894 kilometers/day. Furthermore, the second and third models by way of regional cooperation measures with the transfer station, shows that the transportation truck numbers, total transportation distance, and CO2 emissions from vehicles can reach a lower level.


【1】Alder, J.L., and Mcnally, M.G., “In-laboratory Experiments to Investigate Driver Behavior Under Advanced Traveller Information Systems”, Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 2 No. 2,1994 , pp.149-164.
