  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Analysis of The Electronic Platform for Diamond

指導教授 : 張舜德


隨著電子商務的發展越趨成熟,許多產業已經利用網路低成本,高滲透或是易擴張等特質來發展。但市面上卻還沒有出現關於鑽石相關產品的電子交易平台,因此本研究將網路的特性及優勢衍伸討論鑽石電子交易平台的可行性以及經營模式。 在產業分析後,本研究了解鑽石通路現有的通路有四:國際名牌、國內名牌、國內平價品牌以及傳統銀樓。因此,透過對消費者和店家的訪談,以及對次級資料的分析整理,本研究發現平價品牌以及傳統銀樓通路的目標客群是與電子交易平台相似的。因此,透過對各通路的五力、優劣勢以及STP、4P的分析,本研究進一步的發展並規劃出此交易平台的特性以及設計。 國內平價品牌與傳統銀樓通路相似,因其品牌力道弱,客群大部分為價格敏感者。傳統銀樓更因為地理上的限制而無法廣佈通路,因此會有規模上的限制。相反的,電子平台因為網路的特性,可以廣泛的接觸客群,以及透過網路的滲透性更深入的與客戶互動以及行銷。因此,本研究透過以上分析探討電子平台通路取代傳統銀樓通路的可行性,並運用其優勢進一步規劃電子平台交流互動,以及廣泛多樣的行銷功能,同時也規劃了實地體驗以及推薦機制的功能來克服電子平台無法實地檢驗搭配性以及信用風險的劣勢。


電子商務 平台規劃 奢侈品 鑽石


Along with the maturing development of E-commerce, many industries have already utilized internet characteristics of low cost, high penetration and high expansion to develop. However; there is still no B2C platform of diamonds, so this study will focus to discuss the feasibility and business model of this platform with these advantages of Internet. After the analyses, this study finds out there are four channels of diamonds: International brand, Domestic brand, Domestic fair price brand, and traditional jewelry store. Therefore, with the interviews with consumers and stores, and the literature reviews, this study finds out that the target customers of platform are similar with domestic fair price brand and traditional jewelry store. According to this analysis, this study develops and designs the platform with Five Forces, SWOT and STP analyses. The channels of Fair price brand and traditional jewelry store is similar, most of their customers are sensitive to the price because the lack of the brand power. Also, because of the geographic limit, traditional jewelry store is unable to have extensive channels and larger scale. In contraction, electronic platform can utilize the advantages of Internet to reach the customers extensively, and interact and marketing with their customers more frequently because of the high penetration and the easiness to reach. This study discussed the feasibility of electronic platform to replace the traditional jewelry store, and utilize its advantages to plan the functions of interaction, and versatile ways of marketing. At the same time, this study also plans the functions of online experience and suggestion mechanism to overcome the disadvantages of this platform, including the inability to check at the spot.


E-commerce Platform planning Luxury Diamond


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