  • 學位論文


Feasibility Study of Contracting Out of Collecting Taipower’s Electricity Fare Debt

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


台電公司為具體展現變革與努力,在主管機關經濟部的指示下,積極實施各種改造計劃,由於電費收入係台電公司重要收入來源,且有盈餘始能充實國庫,亦才能作為政府施政及實行各種福利政策之後盾。因此不論從公共性課責機制或企業經營效率觀點來思考,提升欠費催收績效、抑低電費欠費金額,以維持適度利潤才是解決問題根本之道,亦才更能彰顯改造效果。近年來台電公司為改善業務量增加、人力遞補不易以及面臨人事和營運成本上漲的壓力,就整體而言,業務已有越來越多以簽約外包方式處置。本研究架構藉由公私夥伴關係、國營企業角色及兼顧市場機制的觀點,針對『台電公司欠費催收作業簽約外包』作政策可行性分析。 本文採質化研究,透過「文獻分析法」與「深度訪談法」,蒐集文獻資料確認研究焦點、研究問題、研析欠費原因,並以重要關係人包括台電公司內部各層級主管、工會幹部、停電技術員,以及參考外界專家學者、民代和金融機構部門主管等共16位作為受訪對象。 經訪談分析主要發現:各面向幾乎都有或多或少的正、反面意見,只是程度的大小不同而已,並無絶對的可行或不可行,最主要仍在台電公司長官的態度-在必要性及急迫性的觀點下,目前的欠費占比不會成為長官尋求委外動機;且該政策的可行性目前尚有爭議,各面向實際上所面臨的問題與困難包括:精確的成本效益分析不易、監督成本、台電員工自行回收率、委外後的人力素質尚未確定、台電公司欠費催收部門人力的安置有待商榷等瓶頸均有待進一步釐清與克服,故現階段無法一蹴可幾,必須先縮小範圍試辦,再視試辦情況後作檢討。 主要建議共分以下三方面,一、催收對象:基於成本效益考量,一定金額以上且終契拆表後的一段時間再委外催收;二、催收者:即使債權催收委外,台電公司仍需負監督之責,因此可以考量最有利標慎選承攬商。另外為了強化承攬商與委託人間的合作與默契,應加強溝通成立單一窗口並秉持雙方『地位平等相互尊重』的理念完成共同目標;三、催收手段方面:首先透過適當的政策行銷提高民眾的接受度。除此之外,台電公司可借鏡現行金融機構委外作業規範作為催收者的催收準則,並建立合理誘因機制,將有助於提升整體催收效益。


In order to present the practical changes and efforts, under the instructions of its superior authority-the Ministry of Economical Affairs (MOEA), Taipower implements several reforming projects aggressively. The electricity fares are the major part of Taipower’s incomes. Only Taipower’s surplus can be supplemented to the nation treasure. Therefore, no matter from the viewpoints of public accountable mechanism or enterprise management efficiency, to improve the performance of electricity fare debt collection and to decrease the amount of electricity fare debt are the main solution to maintain an appropriate profits. In the recent several years, to improve the performance due to the business increase, the difficulty of workforce, there are more and more of the businesses are handled through contracting out. The framework of this study is to perform a feasibility study for Contracting Out of Collecting Taipower’s Electricity Fare Debt via public- private partnership and the role of state-owned company in consider of the market mechanism. The essay adopts the method of qualitative research. Through the documentary analysis and the depth interviews, we can collect the documentary information to confirm the focus of the study. The interviewing persons in this study involve sixteen (16) of important figures, such as Taipower’s internal leaders or heads, the chiefs of labor union, and the electricity shut-down technician, the outside experts and scholars, councilor or legislators , and the section leaders of a financial institution. By analyzing the results of interviews, we can find that there are almost more or less positive and negative opinions in each facet. There is not a definitive result that the contracting out is feasible or non-feasible.The decision is mainly dependent upon the attitude of Taipower’s top leaders. Under the considerations of the necessities and the urgencies, the percentage of the electricity fare debt is not so huge to encourage the top management to have the motivation to contracting out. In addition, the feasibility of the strategy is still controversial. The problems and difficulties facing each facet in reality involve: (1) it is not easy to specify the accurate cost and benefits analysis. (2) the cost of supervising. (3) The returning rate of Taipower employee. (4) The uncertainty of the quality of the out-outsourcing workforce. (5) the settlement of the workforce of Taipower’s debt collection section. All of the above issues shall be further clarified and be overcome. Therefore, in current stage, it can not be implemented immediatelyand based upon the performance of the trial run . The main suggestions are the following three aspects. (1) the collecting party: Per the considerations of the cost and benefits, the debt shall exceed a certain specified amount of the electricity fare debt and shall be a period after the electricity meter is torn down. (2) the collector: Taipower could award the debt collection contract to the consignee via the most advantageous tender. Besides, to enforce the collaboration and understanding between the consignee and the consignor, both parties shall form a One-Stop Service.(3) the method of debt collection: we should promote the debt collection strategy by appropriate channels to increase the acceptance of the public. In addition, Taipower can refer to the outsourcing debt collection criteria of the financial institutions currently and form Taipower’s debt collection criteria for the collector. By building up reasonable incentives mechanism, it could be helpful to promote the integral benefits of the debt collection.




