  • 學位論文


Joint Baby-Sitting for Male Baby-Sitters and Their Spouses from a View of Gender Difference

指導教授 : 陳韻如


人們時常認為男、女性除了身體外觀的不同外,心理特質也存在與生俱來的差異。傳統的性別觀念教導男性勇敢堅強、成家立業,要求女性溫柔婉約、勤儉持家,因此男、女性被賦予不同的期許,並分別飾演著〝男人〞及〝女人〞的角色。然而目前的職場現況卻出現違背性別常理的情形,有越來越多人所從事的工作內涵與其性別特質互異的現象。本文以男保母為研究對象,探討男性從事女性為主職業的職場 生態,並了解對於托育工作及家事的參與情形。本文透過社區保母系統的協助,尋找旗下10位男保母及其配偶進行深度訪談,所得研究結論如下:一、從事保母工作的男性具有配偶已是專職保母、先前曾有照顧小孩的經驗、年齡偏大、經濟需求為動機等四項共同特徵。二、男保母的工作困境來自於傳統性別觀念及家長意見,解決方法是心態調整及考取證照。三、男保母與配偶對於托育工作及家事皆依循傳統的性別分工方式進行,配偶為主要照顧者,男保母為協助角色。四、雖然聯合托育讓夫妻雙方都在家工作,但是托育工作和家事仍有區分,而且男保母在家事參與上並沒有和其他家庭不同。


男保母 托育 性別分工 家事分工


Conventional gender perspective claims that men are supposed to be brave enough to shoulder the responsibility of organizing and maintaining a family, where women are supposed to be gentle and diligent, each was given with different gender expectations. However, current occupational situation exhibits a frequent variation from the generally known gender stereotypes. More and more jobs were taken by genders that are not conventionally recognized by social tradition. For this concern, this study takes male baby-sitters as examples, investigating the lifestyle of men indulged in female jobs and involvement of baby-sitting and household work. Objects include 10 male baby-sitters and their spouses chosen from community baby-sitting system. Each case was interviewed in depth with relevant issues. The conclusions reached in this study include: a. the spouses of male baby-sitters are also professional baby-sitters, male baby-sitters have child-caring experiences before, they are relative old and are motivated by economic requests to do this job; b. the occupational barriers for male baby-sitters lie in conventional gender concepts and stereotypes of baby’s parents, which can be resolved by attitude adjustment of male baby-sitters themselves and getting a license; c. for baby-sitting and household jobs, male baby-sitters and their spouses follow conventional gender labor division, where female baby-sitters play the key role and the male baby-sitters assist; d. though male baby-sitters and their spouses all work at home but they share differently in baby-sitting and household work, where male baby-sitters do not differ a great deal in household work sharing comparing to families in general.


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