  • 學位論文


The Influences of Reference Group on Purchasing In-game Items in Digital Games

指導教授 : 謝榮桂


本研究探討參考群體對數位遊戲道具購買之影響,除了將參考群體分為現實參考 群體(現實好友群)及虛擬參考群體(遊戲好友群)外,也進一步探討構成參考群體 的原因,本研究以社群意識及虛擬社群意識兩項構念做為參考群體及虛擬參考群 體的形成原因。在依變數的衡量上,除了使用購買意願外,也同時採用過去一年 的購買金額做為另一個依變數。統計884份遊戲玩家的問卷結果後,發現現實參 考群體對購買意願有正向影響,但對過去一年的購買金額則沒有影響;而虛擬參 考群體則對購買意願及購買金額都有正向影響。本研究證實了參考群體對購買意 願的影響不僅限於實體商品,在遊戲世界中的虛擬商品一樣有影響,並且確認社 群意識與參考群體的關聯性,當數位遊戲業者設計遊戲時,給予較明確的建議, 期能提升遊戲營收表現,幫助擴大台灣遊戲市場與商機。


This study intends to explore the influences of reference group on purchasing In-game items in digital games. In order to find out the difference, we classify reference group influence into real reference group influence and virtual reference group influence. Furthermore, we try to find the determinant of reference group influence and verify that sense of community and sense of virtual community are the antecedents of real reference group influence and virtual reference group influence respectively. Finally, the dependent variables in our research model are purchase intention and spending amount, which is not found in previous studies. Based on the analysis result of 884 samples, the virtual reference group influence has positive effect on both purchase intention and spending amount, however, real reference group influence only has positive effect on purchase intention. Besides, this study extends the knowledge about the influences of sense of community and reference group on purchasing intention, and provide insights for practitioners to advance the business performance in the context of digital games.


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