  • 學位論文


Co-benefits of Green Infrastructure in response to Climate Change

指導教授 : 黃書禮
共同指導教授 : 陳維斌(Wei-Bin Chen)


在人類社會邁入二十一世紀追求生活品質提升的同時,地球的生態系統也因人類的活動,導致全球暖化與氣候變遷現象。近年來台灣極端氣候事件發生越趨頻繁,其伴隨著資源短缺、環境惡劣、生態環境失衡等問題發生,也可能會對人類生命財產造成損失。目前台北都會區在高度都市化之情形下,人類活動逐漸改變了自然環境。因此,為了使都市中破碎之綠地空間,能夠發揮較完整之生態機能,綠色基盤設施扮演著關鍵的角色。綠色基盤設施不僅僅對地方環境在生態保育方面有益處,同時在因應氣候變遷也具有許多共效益,可減少溫室氣體、雨水逕流,以提升都市環境品質。 藉此,本研究將以台北都會區為研究範圍,透過地表覆蓋、土壤類型、坡度、樹種與降雨等參數資料,以運用CITY green模型估算綠色基盤設施之碳效益與雨水逕流效益。最後在透過情境模擬評估,以了解在改變綠覆率與降雨條件下,其對於台北都會區之影響。研究成果顯示出,自1971-2006年以來,台北都會區由於都市蔓延造成其行政區對碳效益與雨水逕流效益具有明顯的改變。然而不同情境之效益估算,其結果可作為日後都市對於綠色基盤設施配置之參考,以進行整體一致之實體規劃。


The urbanization and industrial revolution after nineteen century, human society pursuing a modern life, consuming lots of fossil fuel and led to the phenomenon of global warming and climate change. In recent years, not only the frequency of extreme climate events has increased, but also the shortage of resources, environment declined, and imbalance of ecosystem, which have strong impacts on human society. In Taipei Metropolitan area, the human activities intrude the nature environment, which make the green system disconnected. Green infrastructure plays an important key role to reconnect the green system. It provides not only the ecological function, but also in response to climate change has many of co-benefits can reduce greenhouse gases, storm water runoff, to improve the quality of the urban environment. The CITY green model is used to estimate the reduction of carbon dioxide and storm water runoff benefit green infrastructure through the land cover, soil types, slope, tree types, and precipitation in Taipei Metropolitan. Through the assessment of scenario simulations understand the impact of changing green cover and rainfall conditions. Research shows that between 1971 and 2006, the urban sprawl of Taipei Metropolitan has significant changes in reducing carbon dioxide and storm water runoff. The results of scenario simulation can be used as a reference for future urban Green infrastructure planning.


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