  • 學位論文


Exploring the Impact of Website Environmental Cues on Online Impulse Purchase Intention and Cross-buying Intention through Perceived Cognition: The Case of Online Apparel Shopping Platform

指導教授 : 陳澤義


隨著網路普及化,線上購物平台越趨普遍,已形成一個虛擬市場。本研究旨在透過消費者的感知來瞭解消費者對於線上購物平台所產生的購買行為(衝動性購買意圖、交叉購買意圖)。在本研究中,消費者知覺認知區分為「感知有趣性」、「感知易用性」以及「感知有用性」作為中介變數,利用不同的消費者知覺認知去探討對消費者行為之影響。此外,本研究亦探討線上的環境線索(任務型線索、氣氛型線索)是否會影響消費者的知覺認知進而提升購物者進行衝動性購物意圖與交叉購買意圖的比例。研究樣本是依據產業情報研究所(Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, MIC)所提供的母體比例抽樣,共收集404份的有效問卷,利用SPSS以及AMOS 來驗證變數之間的效果以及因果關係。本研究結果指出,要使消費者產生衝動性購買意圖及交叉購買意圖,氣氛型線索是一個重要關鍵因素,另外,本研究也發現,在消費者的感知認知中,「感知有趣性」對於衝動性購買意圖及交叉購買意圖來說,是最有顯著影響的一項變數。


The popularization of the Internet has made online shops increasingly common; they have formed a virtual marketplace. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to understand online customers’ attitude (online impulse purchase intention and cross-buying intention) toward online e-tailers. In this study, consumer perceived cognition is divided into three intermediary variables for our research framework: perceived playfulness, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. We use different type of consumer perceived cognition to discuss whether online customers’ attitude (online impulse purchase intention and cross-buying intention) toward online e-tailers can be affected. Additionally, we discuss whether task-relevant cues, and mood-relevant cues offered by online e-tailers increase consumer perceived cognition in online shopping platforms. In our research, we collected 404 valid samples in accordance with the proportion of demographic statistics offered by the Market Intelligence and Consulting Institute (MIC). We used SPSS and AMOS to examine the cause and effect relationships among all variables. The result of our study indicates that mood-relevant cue is critical for online consumers to develop impulse purchase intention and cross-buying intention. Also, perceived playfulness is a critical variable on consumer cognition. It play an important role in impulse purchase intention and cross-buying intention.


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