  • 學位論文


Influential Factors of Innovation Adoption and Rejection in Local Governments: A Study of Happiness Safeguarding Station

指導教授 : 胡龍騰


隨著時代的變遷,地方政府正面臨著顧客期望與現況落差逐漸擴大的窘況。政府之重要職責即在於為民創造最大的福祉、訂定良好的政策及提供合宜的公共服務輸送,這些是政府的首要任務,故而「創新」成為一個有效可達成上述目標的方式。在2013年,新北市政府首創推出幸福保衛站計畫,與四大超商合作,希望藉由該計畫找出更多高風險家庭並給與後續救助與關懷。然而,一項良善的創新計畫卻不被大多數業務性質相同之各縣市政府單位所採納。為瞭解這個好的方案未能成功被採納或婉轉被拒絕的確切因素,本研究根據研究動機與目的提出研究問題,以深度訪談為主要之研究方法,針對七個縣市政府進行訪談,並以訪談蒐集之資料加以分析。 經分析結果獲得以下研究發現: 一、各縣市政府相關機構認知本項創新事物對社福業務有不同的觀點,故而有對創新事物的正向認知與實際引進意願呈現背離現象。 二、影響新北市政府採納該計畫之因素為:在首長全力支持下,透過政策設計達到資源整合,並具有顯著的宣傳效果,皆是影響此個案創新採納之關鍵因素。 三、影響其他縣市採納本項創新事物之主要因素為:(一)機關首長支持該項創新、(二)民間善款的挹注、(三)便利商店24小時經營的特性吸引單位採用該創新、(四)在高階主管的統合下進行跨局處的溝通與協調。 四、影響各縣市政府未能引進本項創新事物之主要因素為:(一)縣市政府財政困難及對於吸引善款的疑慮(二)頑固的組織慣性難以突破(三)高階主管支持強度不足(四)對創新的成效未抱持正面的態度。 最後並根據上述研究發現,提出三項政策建議,期望能對於地方政府部門相關創新事物採納有所貢獻,並對政府部門創新採納之相關研究累積更好的基礎。


As the change of the times, the local governments are confronting a difficult situation that the gap between the fact and people’s expectations is expanding gradually. Government has a duty which is to maximize the welfare of the people, set good policy and provide appropriate public services. It is the government's responsibility and priority. Therefore, "innovation" has become an effective way to achieve these goals. In 2013, an innovative program “Happiness Safeguarding Station” is initiated by the New Taipei City Government, which starts to cooperate with the four main convenience store enterprises. Hoping to find out more families at high risk by this innovative project and thus to give them the ongoing help and concern. However, this initiative is not completely adopted to the social welfare or education departments in other local governments. In order to understand the exact factors why the aforementioned excellent initiative is successfully adopted or tactfully rejected, this study proposes some questions which are based upon the research motive and research purposes. The main research method is by in-depth interviewing with seven local governments in related administrations and by analyzing the information collected in the interviews. Following conclusions appear in the aforementioned analysis: 1. Department of social welfare in each county or city government acknowledges that this innovative initiative holds different views. Therefore, their acknowledgement to this innovative initiative is high, while their willingness to introduce is low. 2. The cause leads to adopt this innovative initiative by the New Taipei City Government is as follows: Under the leaders full support, through the policy design to achieve resource integration, and by the significant advertising effect in policy marketing, all of them are the key factors of influencing this adopted innovation on this case. 3. The cause leads to adopt this innovative initiative by other city or county governments is as follows: (1) Leader of agencies support this innovation. (2) Get private donations. (3) 24 hours Convenience store attracts department of adopting innovation. (4) Managements facilitate communication and collaboration of cross-departments. 4. The cause leads to the failure of the introduction of this innovative initiative by city or county governments is as follows: (1) Financial difficulty of local government and private donations don’t seem to attract easily. (2) Stubbornness is difficult to change. (3) Lack of powerful support from the management. (4) The effect of innovation in the New Taipei City isn’t convincing. Last but not least, the author proposes three policy suggestions to affect the innovation adoption by local governments positively.


李仲彬,2013a,〈政府創新的類型與分佈:我國地方政府1999-2010 年間的觀察〉,《公共行政學報》,44:73-112。
