  • 學位論文


A study on the marketing channel and management system of organic agriculture products

指導教授 : 錢玉蘭


隨著時代的變遷,民眾對於健康與環保意識提升,使得有機農產品的需求漸增,有機農產品生產量與銷售點亦隨之增加。除了在有機農產品專賣店之外,超市、百貨、賣場、網路等愈來愈多地方,可以購買到有機農產品。然而我國的有機農產品消費普及率與市場規模仍遠不及歐盟與美國,起步晚可能是其中原因之一。除此之外,在產銷通路(包含驗證)也可能存在著一些問題與阻礙。 過去的文獻大多探討影響消費者購買有機農產品的因素,或是探討消費者有機農產品認知對其購買的影響,僅有少數文獻是以多方的觀點來探討目前有機驗證制度與通路出現的問題。因此,本研究旨在找出我國有機農產品發展的瓶頸與潛在問題,研究方法係藉由回顧國內外文獻,以及透過深度訪談與問卷調查各層面與有機農產品相關的利害關係人加以蒐集彙整資料,以了解各層面對於有機農產品產銷通路上的意見。 研究結果顯示,目前國內有機農產品在產銷通路與管理制度上仍存有不少問題,主要包括政府在努力推廣有機農產品生產卻忽略了推廣需求、少數驗證單位把關不夠嚴謹、有機生產成本太高以至於售價高、有機農產品相關法規規範不夠明確、生產者的銷售管道不夠暢通等。因此,為促進我國有機農產品的推廣與蓬勃發展,建議相關單位朝以下方向戮力改善目前產銷通路的問題:加強消費者認知、強化認驗證把關、降低生產成本、及時修訂法規、促進通路推廣與進出口銷售等建議。


As results of increasing public awareness of health and environment, the demand for organic agricultural products increases gradually in recent years. In addition to exclusive organic stores, people can buy such products in various locations, such as supermarkets, the Internet, and so on. However, the market size and penetration rate in Taiwan are still far behind those in EU or USA. Depsite the late beginning of organic agriculture may be a plausible reason, other possible obstacles to the development of organic agriculture may lie in the production and marketing channels. This study explores and investigates those possible obstacles through reviewing literature and applying in-depth interview and face-to-face survey on various stakeholders, including the official who in charge of organic agriculture, Taiwan accreditation foundation(TAF), certification institutes, farmers, retailers and consumers. The research results show that major obstacles in the market channel of organic agricultural products include: (1) the government mainly focuses on increasing the supply of organic agricultural products but neglects to promote the demand; (2) some certification institutes are not strict on their certification; (3) high production costs of organic agricultural products lead to high price; (4) ambiguous regulation; (5) obstructed marketing channels. In hopes of vigorous development of the organic agricultural market in Taiwan, this study propose some suggestions for the reference of the authority who may concerned.


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