  • 學位論文


Re-examining Related Issues of the Chapter of Offense against Sexual Autonomy On the Basis of Sexual Assault Crime

指導教授 : 盧映潔


至民國24年刑法公布施行開始,以強制性交罪為首的相關性犯罪規範在經過了64個年頭後,於民國88年終於重新大幅度翻修,而從民國88年開始至今,也走過了約莫14個年頭,雖然在民國94年有過小幅度的調整與修正,但強制性交罪之規範仍舊存有相當多的爭議問題有待釐清;並且,其應如何妥適地與其他妨害性自主罪章之罪名適用與區分,也不無疑義。準此,本文擬以強制性交罪為核心,先就其本身所存有之相關規範問題進行探討,進而就強制性交罪與妨害性自主罪其他罪名在適用上所可能面臨的爭議問題予以研究。 第一章為「緒論」,闡述本文之研究動機、研究目的、研究方法與研究範圍。 第二章為「妨害性自主罪章之立法沿革」,盼能藉此了解強制性交罪與其他相關罪名之立法背景,並以此作為解決爭議問題時之思考起點。 第三章為「強制性交罪之立法演進與相關問題分析」,透過強制性交罪規範內容變遷的探討,藉以釐清強制性交罪相關爭議問題之問題源頭,並藉此尋得一個較為妥適之解釋方向,之後再進而就加重強制性交罪各款加重事由之妥適性予以探討。 第四章為「強制性交罪與妨害性自主罪章其他罪名之適用問題」,本文擬就強制猥褻罪、乘機性交罪、與幼年人性交罪、利用權勢與機會性交罪、詐術性交罪等罪之規範基礎予以探討,藉此檢視上述罪名與強制性交罪之區分標準與適用問題,盼能從中尋求妥適的解決之道。 第五章則為「結論與修法建議」,就前述章節所得出之研究成果作總結,並對現行規範提出實質之修法建議。


Since the Penal Code was established in 1935, the norms associated with the Sexual Assault Crime have been executed for 64 years until 1999, when the norms were amended extensively. Approximately 14 years from the last significant improvement or revision in the norms, even though some subtle adjustments were made in 2005, many ambiguities in Sexual Assault Crime still remained controversial. In addition, distinguishing Sexual Assault Crime and other Offense against Sexual Autonomy crimes are in grey area for a suitable application. Therefore, this thesis is intended to use Sexual Assault Crime as a foundation: it begins with the existing problems in the norms of Sexual Assault Crime, and then develops toward the research of the controversies of applicable conviction for Sexual Assault Crime and other Offense against Sexual Autonomy crimes. Chapter Ⅰ, Introduction. It describes the research motivation, the purposes, the methods, and the scope of the study. Chapter Ⅱ, History of Legislative Development of the Chapter of Offense against Sexual Autonomy. It includes background and introduction of legislation of Sexual Assault Crime and other similar charges to create standpoints in controversial issues. Chapter Ⅲ, the Evolution of Legislations in Sexual Assault Crime and the Analysis of Related Issues. It aims to reveal the sources of ambiguities regarding to Sexual Assault by addressing the norms changes in Sexual Assault Crime in the history and providing an adequate answer to resolve those ambiguities. Furthermore, this chapter includes a discussion of applicability of Aggravated Sexual Assault Crime. Chapter Ⅳ, Applicable Charges for Sexual Assault Crime and Other Offense against Sexual Autonomy Crimes. It intends to use Compulsory Indecency, Opportunity Sexual Intercourse, Statutory Rape, and Sexual Fraud, etc. for the basis in this discussion. By discussing the differentiation in the application mentioned above and examining the standard criterion to distinguish them, this chapter intends to find solutions to apply to a befitting manner. ChapterⅤ, Conclusion and Future Recommendation. It provides a summarization of the research results and includes practical recommendations for legislation amendment.


