  • 學位論文


The Brand Building Process and Management of SMEs-Based on Resource-Based Perspective

指導教授 : 林婷鈴


台灣擁有一些獨特的中小企業廠商,雖然公司本身沒有的豐厚資源,但卻也能成功地建構其品牌並在市場上銷售。回顧過去的文獻,很少是關於研究中小企業的品牌建構。因此本研究旨在探討,中小企業如何在有限的資源下,建構及管理其品牌已達到生存及競爭的優勢。本研究主要探討: 1.中小企業發展品牌的背景及動機。 2.中小企業的資源及能力對公司建構品牌的影響。 3.中小企業在建構品牌時所遇到的困難。 4.中小企業如何建構品牌。 本研究藉由回顧過去中小企業、資源基礎理論及品牌的相關文獻,以發展出中小企業建構品牌的觀念性架構,並使用質性研究的多個案研究方法,及選擇運動休閒產業的製造業為主要的研究對象。本研究挑選四家曾獲得「台灣優良品牌」或「小巨人獎」的個案公司進行深入的訪談,並同時蒐集相關的次級資料以進行個案的分析與比較。 本研究在探討中小企業建構品牌的過程中,發現創業家精神是最重要的影響因素,也發現市場與產業會對品牌的建構產生影響、及公司的經營型態與公司的能力是會相互的影響。本研究的研究結論,希望對中小企業在發展自有品牌上,能提供一些理論及實務上的見解,作為中小企業未來在經營自有品牌時的參考。


There are many unique SMEs in Taiwan, although they don’t have rich resources. They still can succeed build brand under limited resource and sale products in the world. When reviewing the SMEs and brand related literature, there is still little research about this theme. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to exploratory SMEs how to build brand under limited resource, and take this as foundation to discuss: 1. The background and motive of brand building is in SMEs. 2. The influence of resource and competencies on brand building process of SMEs. 3. SMEs encountered what problems during building brand process. 4. SMEs are how to build brand. According to literature, we first developed conceptual framework of brand building process in SMEs. We also adapted case studies by in-depth interviews with four manufacturers in the sports recreation and leisure industry. The analyese of these case companies were based on the primary material which obtained from interview and speech, the secondary materials collected from many ways. In the analytic process, we found entrepreneurship played an important role for building brand. We also found the market and industrial could affect brand building process, and the OEM, ODM, and OBM would interact to company’s competence. This research can offer practice way and be the reference when the SMEs want to build the brand in the future.


SMEs brand building case studies


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