  • 學位論文


World City, Cultural & Creative Space, and the State: A Case Study of Caochangdi International Art Village in Beijing

指導教授 : 周志龍


善用文化創意資源促進經濟和都市發展是當前世界各大城市關注的重點。北京向來擁有眾多形式和特徵之文化創意空間(例如藝術群聚空間),例如國家為帶動發展進而支持基礎環境建構和制度創建之正規型群聚區,以及多是獨立藝術家和工作室所在地之非正規型群聚區。北京政府藉用某些藝術區來行銷北京是一座具創意能量的世界城市,令人遺憾的是另一些藝術區卻面臨國家的拆遷危機甚至已遭拆除。 為分析藝術群聚空間劇烈轉型過程隱含之研究啟示,本文置身於北京文化創意空間建構的都市脈絡,檢視北京當代藝術群聚空間之興起和運作關係,尤其是較少認識到具正規和非正規特質同時又身處在都市化進程之群聚空間,例如純藝術品質精良的北京草場地國際藝術村。證據表明,草場地遠離拆遷危機後,政府的涉入隨之增加。本文以其為研究案例,透過深度訪談和文本分析,證明國家文化創意空間建構的策略性施為藉空間生產的方式將原屬有機生長的藝術村逐步轉為官方認可的藝術區,並在此脈絡下試圖理解維繫永續性藝術群聚空間之挑戰為何。 研究結論得出,國家的規劃和實踐對於草場地藝術群聚空間在文化、社會、經濟永續性面向之間的平衡,仍有著至關重要的作用,特別是地方政府介入式之參與。國家的策略目標和規劃宜體現國家的包容性,各個利益相關者得擁抱自己的願景,文化和創意方有機會真正跳脫為符號經濟模式和政治實體所用之發展和再發展工具。


Capitalizing on cultural and creative resources to promote economic and urban development has increasingly become a major concern in cities in the world. As ever, Beijing has emerged/existed a variety of features and forms of cultural and creative space(i.e., artistic clusters), from formal cluster districts, with a state-sponsored effort that features the building of infrastructure and institutions in a catalytic development, to informal districts that recognize existing clusters of individual artists and art studios. Some artistic clusters utilized by the municipal government’s effort to promote Beijing as the creative world cities, yet unfortunately another have faced the crisis of demolishment or demolished by the State. Analyze the meaning of significant transformation process of artistic clusters on research, the article hence situates the construction of cultural and creative space in Beijing’s urban change context, examining the emergence and functioning of a unique contemporary art cluster, of which nature are in particular formal and informal features as well as locate in the rapidly urbanizing area now that is recognized less, an example of Caochangdi international art village with rich fine art quality. Far from spatial crises, some evidences thus emphasize the official contact from the government. As of the case study, we use in-depth interviews and archival research to demonstrate the purpose on the state spatial strategies of the construction of cultural and creative space over space production by turning the formerly organic artist villages into official art districts gradually, and try to understand what challenges are to maintain sustainable artistic clusters in that context. The findings of this case study conclude on the major factor that the State power on planning and implementation still plays a vital role in a balance between cultural, social and economic sustainability of Caochangdi art cluster, especially the participation of local state intervention. However, the state strategic purpose and planning need to embody inclusiveness of the State where a variety of stakeholders can hold their own visions, and truly avoid regarding art as development and redevelopment tool utilized by the model of symbolic economy and political entities.


Halper, S.(2010),「北京說了算?中國的威權模式將如何主導二十一世紀」(李俊宏、王鑫等譯),臺北:八旗文化。
