  • 學位論文


Metabolism Approach for Studying the Relationship between Urbanization and CO2 Emission and Sequestration

指導教授 : 黃書禮


為了維持一個都市的運作,其所需的消費商品之製造、電力、建材、廢棄物的處理等皆來自於都市外,而其生產過程會造成相當可觀之碳排放。而都市代謝作用(urban metabolism)係指投入維持一都市居民生活所需的物質,至使用或生產後轉換的廢棄物經處理、移除或排出都市的過程。若都市代謝作用屬於線型,將會破壞都市外自然環境的生態機能,進而影響自然體系對都市的維生服務。所以為了使都市與自然地區達到永續發展,必須建構循環的都市代謝作用,即都市使用過後所排放的碳,不應完全排放到都市系統外,而是讓它再回到都市代謝作用的過程中,才能確保都市與其周邊環境的永續性。而本研究目的為以下幾項:1.運用都市代謝概念,探討都市在運作中的都市代謝過程對於都市系統內外產生二氧化碳排放的影響。2. 由前項概念探討都市系統各活動與實質組成,建立一都市之二氧化碳排放與吸存系統。3.由都市系統的建立帶入台北地區資料,進行在不同時間尺度下,探討分析系統中各組成之能源需求、二氧化碳排放量等變化。 根據本研究計算結果,在2010年台北地區各部門的CO2排放部門的CO2排放量由高至低依序為:(1)產業生產部門、(2)工業、(3)交通運輸、(4)廢棄物處理、(5)住宅、(6)商業,(7)營建、(8)農業部門。在2000到2010年台北地區都市系統內部各部門的CO2排放量皆有減少的趨勢,但對於系統外的排放卻是增加的;而進一步將台北市與新北是分開來看亦可發現台北市的CO2排放減少,新北市CO2排放增加。顯示出都市在發展上逐漸穩定後,卻會產生大量的都市消費及工業能源使用對於外部維生系統所造成之衝擊與影響卻持續加重。因此若要減少都市系統CO2的排放,則須經由都市的能源管理、交通運輸整體規劃、民生對策、都市透水化、都市綠化多面向規劃才能達到防治氣候暖化之目的。


To maintain the operations of a city, the production of manufacturing, electricity, building materials and waste from factories are all coming from outer the city. And the process of these productions could generate lots of carbon emissions. Urban metabolism means the process of supplying, transforming and exporting materials within and without cities, including all materials to sustain people’s activities. If the urban metabolism is linear, it could damage the ecological functions of natural environment; even affect the natural systems on urban living services.So for the sustainable development of metropolitan and natural areas, it’s important to construct the cycle of urban metabolism. It means that carbon emissions of a city should not exhaust outer the urban system, but in the process of urban metabolism to maintain the sustainable development. The research purposes of the study are as following: (1) Using the concept of urban metabolism, to explore the impact of carbon emissions in or outside the urban system to the operations of a city. (2) Studying the activities and substance compositions of a urban system to create a carbon emissions and sequestration system of a city. (3) Input the data of Taipei metropolitan to the creating carbon emissions and sequestration system, and analyze the changes of energy requirements and carbon emissions in different time scale. According to the results of the calculation, the department order of CO2 emissions in Taipei, 2010 from the highest to the lowest are: (1) industrial production, (2) industry, (3) transportation, (4) waste disposal, (5) housing, (6) commercial (7) construction, (8) agricultural.There is a decreasing trend in all department of carbon emissions system in Taipei metropolitan 2000 to 2010.But the carbon emissions from outside the system are increasing. We could also discover that CO2 emissions in Taipei city are decreasing. Instead the emissions in New Taipei city are increasing. The results of our study show that when city development gradually stabilized, it also comes out lots of consumption and industrial energy usage and continued increase the impact to our life support system. So if we need to reduce CO2 emissions of urban system, we could set an energy management, overall transportation planning, livelihood strategies, permeable design and Multi- oriented programming of urban greening to prevent climate warming.


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