  • 學位論文

服務品質、產品屬性與病人滿意度關係之研究─ 以X藥廠客服中心行銷服務為例

Research for the relationship interaction among Service Quality、Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty – Case study from Call Center of X pharmaceutical company

指導教授 : 林婷鈴


由於醫療產業受法律的規範,醫院與相關製藥廠商對病患(顧客)不得有任何直接的醫療或藥品的推銷行為,使得直接提供病患客戶服務方面的研究相對闕如,但若能透過在其他產業運用已久的客服中心獲致相關的資訊,相信研究成果對醫療產葉的藥品屬性、服務品質的改善與病人滿意度的提升將有其效益。本研究首先以「同意接受廠商客服中心後續服務」進行問卷調查的798名病患為樣本,研究問卷經醫療產業多位專家學者的意見加以修改後,並以50名病患作為預試,預試結果決定沒有必要進一步修正此問卷;問卷先經由郵寄方式回收428份,遂再委託客服中心客服人員輔以電話調查問卷回函中之漏答或回應不足之題項,最後完成300份有效問卷,加計前測樣本共計350份,有效回覆率為43.86%。資料分析則以樣本資料敘述性統計分析、因素分析、重要性-績效分析等方法進行分析。研究結果顯示廠商利用Call Center持續所提供產品使用與衛教訊息的服務,的確會得到使用者的正向回饋,並且使用者會將廠商Call Center提供的服務與藥品本身效用的品質皆視為廠商整體服務,進而提升病患整體的滿意度,並可降低對單一屬性e.g.藥品價格不滿意的狀況。有鑑於此,在目前雖為健保醫療給付的制度下,廠商在藥品的定價上仍應更加謹慎,以免讓病患產生「極不滿意」的現象發生。 關鍵詞:服務品質、顧客滿意度、客服中心


Due to the medical industry under law inspection, those hospitals and pharmaceutical firms are unable to approach patients with direct selling and as result in rarely studies related. The case study is searching the relationship interaction among Service Quality、Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty through Call Center, which has been frequently utilizing among other industries. The objectives of the study are to explore the relationship interaction among Service Quality Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty, which through case study from Call Center of X pharmaceutical company. This study aims at 789 patients in call center who have signed with agreement. The final patient enrollment with 350 effective completion including 50 pre-testing respondents, whose outcome in advance as decision with no modification in the contents of survey quaternaries and the effective replying rate is 43.86%. The data analysis running by Samples Description Statistic, Factor Analysis and Importance Performance Analysis methods. Study results show that positive feedbacks are from respondents using call center service and product educational message. In addition, the synergy effect between call center service and product efficacy will lift up the mental utility level of customer, as result in enlarging the overall satisfactions and offsetting dissatisfaction of solo attribute such as product price. To sum up, firms need to pay attention on the price strategy even under the healthy insurance system copayment in order to avoid the 「Extreme Dissatisfaction」from customer perspectives. Keywords: Service Quality, Patient Satisfaction, Call Center


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