  • 學位論文


A Study on Preclusion Effect of Newly Raised Allegations/Defenses on Appeals

指導教授 : 黃國昌


民事訴訟法第447條經歷兩次修法變遷,現已採取原則禁止當事人於第二審提出新攻擊防禦方法之制度,即當事人於新法修正後被課予促進訴訟義務,一旦當事人逾時提出攻擊防禦方法,法院得發動職權制裁將其駁回;惟除效率性之價值要求外,保護他造防禦權免受剝奪之公平性價值亦應納入失權制裁的討論之中。本篇論文即以探究民事訴訟法第447條如何適用為中心,針對學者提出之見解加以統整,並篩選多則實務裁判聚焦本文討論之爭點;另外有關民事訴訟法第447條之其它制度,例如:第二審訴之變更追加、第二審撤銷自認等等,如何與第二審失權制裁相互調和,亦屬本篇論文極力研究的對象。 本文第一章是緒論,簡要介紹本篇論文的研究動機、研究目的以及研究範圍。 本文第二章則以比較法的角度,介紹各國第二審上訴制度的風貌,包括德國、日本、美國以及臺灣,筆者希望自身能藉此啟發對民事訴訟法第447條相關爭點的思考。 本文第三章介紹集中審理與第二審制度的關係,包括失權制裁的法理基礎、觀念、要件等等,特別針對民事訴訟法第447條第1項第3款、第5款兩例外事由,有進一步介紹之必要。 本文第四章則蒐集了28個裁判,希望能避免讓本文重點流於空泛,除此之外,藉由這些裁判能進而觀察出我國法院適用民事訴訟法第447條之趨勢與態度。 本文第五章則是針對前章之裁判進行分析,本文以「效率性」及「公平性」兩大價值進行個案分析,並對於民事訴訟法第447條之相關爭點提出粗淺的意見。 本文第六章則是結論,除總和前幾章所學之外,並再度重申筆者對於第二審失權制裁的些許想法;另外,筆者也表達些許對我國走向「效率性」及「公平性」制度之展望。


The Article 447 of the civil procedure has been modified in January 14, 2003. Taiwan moves toward a concentrated proceeding. It prohibits one party from raising new allegations or defenses on appeals except for six exceptions. Since a duty is imposed on parties to expedite proceedings, the court authorized to preclude any measures submitted in violation of this duty. The thesis focuses the preclusion effect on appeals. Chapter 1 introduces the motivation, purpose, and the scope of this thesis. The author starts with a comparative law, and sum an Empirical result are also observed. Chapter 2 discusses the most important elements of appellate procedure. The author introduces the appellate procedure in Germany, Japan, United States, and Taiwan. Chapter 3 begins with the theoretical basis of the preclusion, followed by discussion its concepts, elements, application, and the effects. Particularly, in Paragraph 3, Section 1 and Paragraph 6, Section 1 of the Article 447, the author integrates all theories from Taiwanese scholars to realize how to appropriately apply this new mechanism. Chapter 4 collects 28 cases in practice to identify the relevant controversy of Article 447.The author introduces the event and judgment in each case, and observes the trends of the court applying Article 447. Chapter 5 discusses the cases in chapter 5. The author focuses on the efficiency and the fairness in each case, and proposes some ideas for a reference. Chapter 6 concludes the thesis. The author argues the application of preclusion effects shall incorporate the value both of efficiency and fairness.


