  • 學位論文


The Factors Affecting Customer Repurchase Will to Life Insurance---Relationship Marketing View

指導教授 : 王全裕


近年來,關係行銷的觀念深入各產業,無論是服務或產品的銷售,現在業者所注重的,除了在產品導入階段時,吸引消費者眼光駐足外,更加重視顧客的再購買行為。根據研究顯示,開發新的顧客所要花費的成本是留住舊顧客所需成本的五倍(Kotler, Leong, Ang 及Tan,1996),企業若能提高顧客持續度五個百分點,就可以提高25%~85%的利潤(Griffin 1996),企業要留住顧客,最重要的就是要讓顧客滿意,抓住顧客的心。關係行銷的目的就是要經由持續改進對顧客的服務水準,讓顧客滿意,來留住顧客。 在壽險業業務的性質中,客戶續保之績效對公司業績影響甚重。所以尤應重視既有顧客滿意與繼續往來的意願方能為公司帶來利益。就消費者在保險到期時選擇續保與否來說,「企業形象」與「服務品質」應該是企業提供消費者進行評價時重要的評估項目。關係行銷導向提供了一個新的觀點,企業要爭取客戶的認同,要從長期客戶關係經營著手,提昇「顧客價值」,才是企業提昇業績及擴大市場佔有率最有效的方法。 本研究以關係行銷導向之觀點,參考國內外文獻,形成本研究架構,假設消費者對往來壽險業之「企業形象」與「服務品質」評估的結果,將影響其「顧客價值」,而導致不同的「顧客滿意」,進而影響其「再購意願與忠誠度」。本研究希望透過企業形象、服務品質、顧客價值、顧客滿意和再購意願與忠誠度間的關聯性研究,來了解壽險業顧客在續保時的考量因素。希望能藉此提供壽險業未來業務行銷上參考。


In recent years, the concept of Relationship Marketing has been deeply rooted in various industries, no mater in service or in products’ promotion. What most of industries pay attention now is except to attract more customers and make the customers to spend more time on the new products while they are offered for sale, but industries also intend to put more emphasis on customers’ behavior of re-purchasing. According to the research ( Kotler, Leong, Ang & Tan, 1996), the cost to attract new customers is five times more than the cost to keep the old customers. If a corporation can keep old customers coming back over 5%, the profit benefits from that can be up to 25- 85 %; therefore, what’s the most important to an entrepreneur is to satisfy customers and clearly understand what customers really need. The main goal of Relationship Marketing is to keep constant improvement in service and to satisfy customers in order to keep them coming back. In the business of insurance, insurance holder’s renewing of his insurance has a magnificent effect on the growth of a company’s business. As a result, the old customers’ satisfaction and willingness of renewing should be valued, and then the profit of a company can be created from it. When an insurance is expired, the decision to renew it or not depends on the evaluation of “Corporate Image” & Service Quality” that a company makes to its customers. The tendency of “Relationship Marketing” provides a new viewpoint – the most effective way for an entrepreneur to promote its business and to have a big occupation in the market is to get its customers’ identity, to develop a good long-term relationship among customers and to promote customers’ value. This research mainly focuses on Relationship Marketing. Based on the references obtained from the overseas and domestic, the structure of this research is constructed. The hypothesis proposed here is that the evaluation result of a customer to an enterprise’s image and service quality will affect customer value, and lead to different level of satisfaction; consequently, the willingness of re-purchasing and royalty to a company is influenced. We hope through this research on intra-relationship among enterprise image, service quality, customer value, customer satisfaction, willingness of re-purchasing and royalty, people can have a comprehensive understanding on what factors that customers would take into account while renewing his or her insurance. With the results that come out from analyses, we hope they can provide reference and help to insurance industry in its future marketing.


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