  • 學位論文


Gender, Overconfidence and Investment Behavior in Taiwan Stock Market

指導教授 : 余光華 林昭賢


DHS 模型認為過度自信會導致短期報酬動能、長期報酬反轉,該模型並未說明過度自信投資人能否獲利,因此我們認為過度自信傾向之個人若為動能交易者,藉由趨勢操作應可獲得高報酬。本研究旨在探討投資人性別、過度自信、處置效果與動能間之關聯,針對台灣中部地區股市投資人進行問卷調查,實證結果發現:(1)在性別的議題上,我們發現男性投資人除獲利情況優於女性外,自信程度也偏高。在性別與投資行為探討方面,從性別對處置效果與動能交易分析上,我們未發現有何顯著差異。(2)實證發現投資人的自信程度對動能交易之投資報酬無顯著影響,我們從分類後的高自信群樣本數中觀察到,有九成以上的動能交易者,能從交易中獲利。(3)研究結果指出過度自信投資人若有處置效果行為,能從交易中獲利。因此我們合理推判,這或許是投資人當時所面臨的交易環境正處多頭所致。


Literature shows that investors exhibit overconfidence, disposition and tend to momentum trading. DHS model shows that investors overconfidence trading will result in short-term return momentum and long-term reversal. Therefore, we posit that overconfidence investors can profit from momentum trading. The main purpose of this article is trying to understand the association between overconfidence investors, disposition effect, momentum trading strategy and investors gender. Investors from central Taiwan are surveyed and we have found that: (1) male investors outperform female investors in stock market. We also find that male investors are more overconfidence than female investors. (2) the empirical results show that 90% of the overconfidence investors can profit from momentum strategy. (3) overconfidence investors with the disposition effect also have positive returns which is inconsistent with earlier literature. We attribute this findings to the bullish stock market.


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