  • 學位論文


Experiments and Analysis For Multi-Tip Lathe tool Structure

指導教授 : 王松浩
共同指導教授 : 黃景良(King-Leung Wong)


本研究主要提出關於快速車削新的多刀刃刀具結構,此刀具可加裝於傳統車床上,除可降低更換刀具次數、減少車削刀具的磨損和特別對於大批量產的情況之下提高加工效率。傳統單刀刃車削時,刀具產生的徑向切削力會使細長形工件產生變形,增加震動和降低精度。而採用此機構則切削力互相平衡,車削細長或柔軟工件時減少因徑向切削力而產生的工件變形。 此外研究中還結合自動化設備的理念,結合PLC控制系統,以達更精確的加工精準度。 本文是以泛用型交流伺服驅動器ASDA-AB可接收並列輸出的編碼器,並且對伺服控制架構能夠快速的上手。結合PLC控制系統,以安裝交流伺服馬達來調整連接的齒輪,調整刀具與中心軸距離,可自動控制車刀直徑,不必經由手動調整車刀直徑,可使加工物品可製成曲面等圓弧形狀,將整個設計朝向CNC發展。以理論推導的結果以電腦模擬量測加工直徑,並且實裝於桌上型車床進行實際車削實驗,進行LabVIEW圖控程式的曲線擬合精度實驗。


This study proposed on Multi-Tip Lathe tool Structure, this tool can be installed in conventional lathe, in addition to reducing equipment, tool change cost, reducing the turning tool wear and improve the processing, especially for high-volume production the circumstancesthe research will combine the efficiency of this structure, the concept of automation equipment, combined with the PLC control system, to achieve a more accurate processing accuracy. In the traditional way to turning, but also demolition tool re-calibration center to replace the cutting tool, this mechanism do not need to change cutting tools to re-correction center, , knife-axis of the cutting force transmission, it has a linear relationship can be automatically corrected center, for the center axis of the workpiece to keep the blade cutting, turning soft workpiece can be reduced due to the interference leaving workpiece deformation. In this paper is based on the Universal AC servo drives ASDA-AB can receive the parallel output of the encoder and the servo control structures to quickly get started. Combined with Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) control system, to install an AC servomotor to adjust the gear connected, adjust the tool and the central axis distance, it can automatically control turning tool diameter, do not have to through manual adjustment of the turning tool diameter, allows processing items can be made of the surface and the arc shape, the whole design toward Computer-Numerical-Control (CNC) development. The results of the theoretical deduction of the measurement processing of computer analog diameter, and mounting in the actual desktop lathe turning experiment, use the LabVIEW programming, curve fitting precision experiments.


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【4】徐寧“車刀模型製作”私立東南技術學院機械工程系碩士論文,90 年 12月 26號
