  • 學位論文


POST-COLONIAL CULTURAL IDENTITY IN TAIWAN An Investigation through the Mass-media-based “Educational” Films Made during the Period of Japanese Occupation of Taiwan (1895-1945)

指導教授 : 邱誌勇


西元一八九五年,台灣進入日本統治時代,而電影的技術也在此時誕生,日本在日據時期將台灣視為其領土的一部份,因此恣意將日本文化帶入台灣人民生活中,期望「同化」台灣人民,而在這樣的殖民教育過程中,電影成為主要的宣導工具,在殖民時期利用廣播、電影與電視等聲音與影像的訊息,來傳遞殖民母國的中心思想,這樣的「電化教育」政策,跨越了語言與文字的隔閡,讓日本殖民文化得以迅速在台灣生根,台灣在這五十年間,接收日本的文化與思想,也吸收了西方的文明與科技,但卻在這樣的情況下,產生對自我文化認同的混亂。 本研究概略整理出台灣歷史博物館所收藏的一批電影資料,這些影片多為當年日本殖民時期電化教育教材,由國立台南藝術大學井迎瑞教授帶領其學生,將影片修復、轉檔與數位化,於二〇〇七年完成修復與數位典藏計畫,使得這些影片成為日據時期電化教育的最佳歷史教材。 因此本文之重點,除探討日本藉電化教育來輔助殖民的政策,亦重新思考後殖民中的身分認同問題與殖民關係延伸,我們可從其中發現日據時期的電化教育所帶來的與意識型態,及其在後殖民現象中的相互關連,並提出「東方主義」與「自我東方化」來對應文本中的後殖民概念。


In 1895, Taiwan (also called Formosa) came under Japanese rule and film technology was still in its infancy. Japan, having formally incorporated Taiwan into its empire, saw it as part of its sovereign territory and brought much Japanese culture into the island in hope of “assimilating” the local population. During the process of colonial education, movies became an important tool for propaganda and audio-visual messages transmitted through radio, films, and television were used to promulgate the central ideas of the colonial matrix – Japan. Such a “mass-media-based” educational policy was instrumental in bridging the language barrier between the Japanese and the Taiwanese as well as facilitating the speed of Japanese culture taking roots in Taiwan. In the fifty years of Japanese governance (1895-1945), Taiwan had become well immersed in Japanese culture and thoughts, and also absorbed some elements of western civilization and technology, which precipitated a state of confusion regarding Taiwan's self-identity. I have researched into a number of films collected by the National Museum of Taiwan History (NMTH), which can be seen as “mass-media-based educational films.” They were part of a “restoration and digital collection program” completed in 2007, under the efforts of Professor Jing Yingrui and his students whose work involved restoration, file-transfer, and digitization of the “historical” films. This thesis attempts to probe into the role of the “mass-media-based educational films” in realizing the Japanese colonial policies as well as to re-examine issues relating to post-colonial self-identity and its consequences.This dissertation has identified the type of ideology prevalent in the “educational” films and clarified the relationship “Orientalism”and “self-orientalism” in response to the post-colonial concepts expressed in the article.


52.鄭樹森 編,《文化批評與華語電影》(台北:麥田,1995)
55.盧建榮 著,《分裂的國族認同1975-1997》(台北:麥田,1999)
17.邱貴芬 著,〈發現台灣—建構台灣後殖民論述〉《後殖民理論與文化認同》(台北:麥田,1995)
國立臺灣師範大學/美術學系/94/碩士(Master)/研究生:溫喬文 / 指導教授:陳淑華


