  • 學位論文

LED Light Bar 應用與靜電防護之研究

A Study on LED Light Bar Application and Static Electricity Protection

指導教授 : 王文壽


日亞公司於 1993 年推出藍光發光二極體,而藍光結合黃色螢光粉的使用,使單顆發光二極體可提供白色光源的效果,使發光二極體開始廣泛被使用在市場上。 因應未來趨勢 LED 應用之廣泛化,小至手機模組大至Monitor,Notebook 甚至TV將漸漸由LED取代掉 CCFL 光源,而如何將點光源 (LED)架構成類似 CCFL之線光源Light Bar 之設計將左右 B/L 中散熱與光學設計之成敗,另外 LED 為靜電敏感元件如何做好靜電防護以確保 Light Bar 之壽命與品質也是一大課題。本研究主要是藉由各組成 Light Bar 部品之特性分析與組合,藉由實際應用設計面與實驗之各參數歸納統計以期設計出最佳之 LED Light Bar。




Nichia Corporation promoted the blue light -emitting diode (LED) in 1993, and which blue LED combined yellow phosphor for getting white light from a single LED. So, a single white LED source has been widely used in the market. As the trend of LED applications will be very popular, so that back-light source of these products will be instead of CCFL lighting resource. Such as:mobile phone module 、LCD Monitor, Notebook and even TV. However, improved the point source of LED Light Bar to the semi line light source is a challenge task of this thesis。 In this thesis, the static electricity protection of LED is also another serious issue。 The purpose of this thesis is analysis characteristic and combination for all parts of the light bar, and expect to approach of optimal parameters of components of light bar via practical parameters procedure, design and statistics。


[10] 林竹軒,美光源科技股份有限公司(New Light Source Co., LTD)
[1] 陳澤澎, 發光二極體的發展及新應用, 工業材料123 期
PP 74~76。
[2] 陳澤澎,洪世淇,日亞化學LED 專利糾紛判決始末,工業材料
207 期PP 72~77。


