  • 學位論文


The Effect of the Online Community on Weight Loss in Overweight 5th and 6th Grade Students

指導教授 : 侯雍聰


本研究之主要目的在探究網路社群對國小高年級肥胖學生減重之成效。本研究採前、後測實驗設計,以雲林縣中正國小健康體位營高年級肥胖學生共 28位為研究對象,分為實驗組與控制組各14人,實驗組施以13週網路社群實驗處理,研究對象皆在實驗前、後以及實驗結束後間隔 6週,接受身高、體重及 BMI之測量。本研究以前測資料使用獨立樣本T檢定,考驗實驗組及控制組的同質性;再以前、後及延宕測之數據,使用成對樣本T檢定和單因子共變數分析,比較實驗後以及延宕時間各組減重成效之差異。研究結果與建議如下: 一、 網路社群對減重有立即性成效。 二、 網路社群對減重之後的體重維持具有成效,可避免復胖。 依據研究結果,建議學校在實施健康體位減重計畫時,可於學校網站中建立學生之健康日誌,讓學校、家長、學生共同檢視學生之飲食與運動習慣以增進減重成效。


The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of the online community on weight loss in overweight 5th and 6th grade students. The pretest-posttest control group design was adopted. 28 obese 5th and 6th grade students in a weight loss camp at Chung Cheng Primary School in Yunlin, participated the experimental. They were divided into two groups, an experimental and control group with 14 students each. The experimental group use the online community for 13 weeks. The participants were measured for height, weight, and BMI before and after the experiment. Furthermore, they had taken measurements again after 6 weeks of the experiment finished. The pretesting data tests the homogeneity of experimental and control groups by using Independent samples T-test. We analyzed the discrepancy of weight loss effectiveness between experiment finished and postponement for each group by using an independent samples T-test and One-way ANCOVA. The results and suggestions of the study are described as below: 1. It is prompt and efficient to lose weight using an online community. 2. It is effective to maintain weight and avoid weight gain after weight loss with the online community.


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