  • 學位論文


The Tool Life Prediction of Internal Honing Wheel

指導教授 : 張信良




This research is focused on the tool life analysis for the honing wheel of internal gearing honing. Honing process is a new developed manufacturing technology for the quenched surface of gears. Its main functions are to decrease the roughness of gear surface, and correct partial errors caused by the pre-processes. The method has characteristics of higher productivity and quality comparing with other technologies. The gears require high hardness of gear tooth surface, long service life, high reliability, low noise, and low cost in precision industry. That’s why the honing technology gets more and more attention in recently years. The work gear is in the state of crossed angle meshing with the internal honing wheel, then processed by the rotation between the honing wheel and the work gear. In the thesis, the meshing mathematical models of the internal honing wheel and work gear surfaces are obtained by Mathematica. Then, the two surfaces are drawn and assembled by Solidworks. The tool life of honing wheel considering fixed cross angle, and variable cross angle between honing wheel and working gear are investigated, respectively.


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