  • 學位論文


Huwei Township Real-time Bus Information System

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


根據Google與易普索市場調查研究公司(Ipsos MediaCT)共同合作的「 2013 我們的行動星球:台灣」研究報告,台灣使用智慧型手機比率持續提昇,普及率從2012年32%提高到2013年的51%,相當於每兩人就有一人使用。因智慧型行動裝置的普及率不斷升高,更帶動了App經濟的發展。 雲林虎尾鎮免費巴士於2012年2月1日開始行駛,分別為藍東線、紅西線及綠環線三路線。而在2014年3月開始路線增加為六線,分別為墾屯線、興南線、頂溪線、下湳線、惠來線及廉使線。虎尾鎮幸福巴士以花瓣狀路線行駛郊區與市區,連結鄉社區、重要醫療據點、公務機關及主要客運候車站,以彌補現有的幹道客運運輸路線的不足,並鼓勵民眾減少騎乘機車,多搭乘免費巴士響應節能減碳。 本研究以App Inventor 2,設計虎尾幸福巴士App,主畫面有四個選單,分別為:虎尾幸福線、附近站牌、公車即時位置查詢、路線規劃。讓民眾可以隨時查詢公車資訊及獲取公車即時位置,並以GPS查詢目前所在位置,導航到所要搭乘的候車亭及自己規劃路線。


According to "2013 our actions Planet: Taiwan" report by Google and market research company Ipsos, usage rate of smart phones in Taiwan continued to increase from 32% of 2012 to 51% of 2013. It meant one out of two people owned a smart phone. Thus the popularization rate brings phone app economy to life. Free bus service in Huwei Township, Yunlin started on February 1 2012 with three routes. Three more routes were added in February 2014. Happy bus routes traverse with petal-like suburbs and urban areas, link to rural communities, important medical stronghold, official agencies and major passenger waiting station. This could compensate for the deficiencies of the existing trunk road and respond to carbon reduction. In this study, App Inventor 2 is employed for the design of the bus Timetable App. The main screen for Huwei happy bus App displays four menus: Huwei happy line, the bus stop nearby, bus immediate location query, and route planning. It can provide the public to make query at any time and any place. The people can always check the bus information, get the current bus GPS location, navigate to the desired destination, and make routes planning.


Smart Phones GPS Google Maps App Inventor 2


[1]. 易普索大中華區,智慧型手機普及率,http://www.ipsos.com.cn/zh-hant/node/2705
[2]. Our Mobile Planet,智慧型手機普及率,http://think.withgoogle.com/mobileplanet/zh-tw/
[3]. 資策會,臺灣行動族群人數推估,http://www.find.org.tw/find/home.aspx?page=many&id=331
[4]. 虎尾幸福巴士,虎尾幸福巴士時刻表,http://www.huwei.gov.tw/news/index-1.asp?m1=11&m2=35&id=898
[5]. 中文維基百科,智慧型手機,http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/智慧型手機
