  • 學位論文


A Study of Using Socialized Media Tools to Improve Learners’ Self-Efficacy and Learning Motivation

指導教授 : 藍友烽


隨著科學技術的進步,社會化媒體工具已經逐漸成為主流。 YouTube和Google協作平台的網站都是免費的工具,Google協作平台的好處是可以快速製作筆記,以利學習,YouTube的好處是可以簡易的上傳及分享影片。 本研究的影音教學是由學生提供,而非傳統的教師提供。研究的目的是探討使用社群化媒體工具是否影響學生自我效能及學習動機。實驗對象為27位高一新生,總共有兩個班,一班為14名(實驗組)另一班為13名(控制組),實驗前後兩組的學生進行了前後測。使用相依樣本T檢定的分析來比較實驗組前後測的學習表現。實驗前後,實驗組學生要完成一份關於自我效能及學習動機的問卷。根據結果顯示,實驗組的學習成效有顯著的差異。此外,研究結果還發現,使用社會化媒體工具可以提高學習者的學習動機,對於使用社會化媒體工具在電腦操作課程上,大部分學習者都表示,有以下優點:(1)使用YouTube和Google協作平台可以提升他們學習成效,(2)使用YouTube和Google協作平台可以提高他們的自我效能,以及(3)使用YouTube和Google協作平台可以提高學生的學習動機。


With the scientific and technological progress, the socialized media tool has become the mainstream gradually. YouTube and Google sites both are free tools, which only require Internet access device. Multimedia tutorial of this study was created by the learners themselves, rather than the teachers. The aim of this study is to use video learning and collaborative learning to improve learner's self-efficacy and learning motivation in learning activities. A total of 27 freshman senior high school students of the voluntary participation with an average age of fifteen were invited to join the experiment. There are two classes, one class (14 students) was experimental group and the other class (13 students) was the control group. The study conducted a paired sampled T-test analysis to compare the difference between usage of social media tool and traditional instruction on learners’ learning performance. After experiment an analysis of questionnaire survey in terms of self-efficacy and learning motivation by using YouTube and Google site for learning computer operation class was conducted. According to the research results, it indicated that the learners of using social media tools have higher scores in terms of learning performance. In addition, the study also found that using social media tools can improve the learners' performance. For using social media tools in computer operating class, most of learners express that there exists the following benefits: (1) Using YouTube and Google sites can enhance their learning performance, (2) Using YouTube and Google sites can increase their self-efficacy, and (3) Using YouTube and Google sites can improve their motivation.


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