  • 學位論文


Human Centered Innovative Service Design - Case Study of Central Area Teaching Hospital Outpatient Cancer Chemotherapy

指導教授 : 蔡璞


近年來國內外興起「以人為本」的風潮,許多企業皆從「競爭導向」的商業模式改以「使用者導向」為主的經營思維,開始重視使用者的使用經驗,以使用者潛在的需求為出發點設計產品或服務;這種以使用者需求為本的思維,更能掌握市場的脈絡,預見未來將會有越來越多的產業與企業跟進。然探討現今諸多以人為本的方法大都提供一個固定的執行流程,使運用者想調整該等方法以適用於其特殊的情境而不可得。本研究綜合各家的方法,提出What、Means、Then What的三段式架構,而各家方法只是在此架構下挑選不同的工具來使用。有了這樣的認知,運用者只要按照以人為本的理念,例如深度觀察、同理心、洞見、快速模型、團隊思考、…等等,依其特殊的運用情境挑選合適的工具組合運用即可。 世界上主要國家的服務業佔整體產業的比重越來越高,也被視為推動國家經濟發展的重要驅動力量;雖然我國的產業結構也朝向服務業發展,但以我國漸漸邁入高齡化及慢性病普及化的社會型態,促使醫療照護的知識型服務產業日趨重要,且尚有很大的成長空間;未來必須改變以往以「看病」為中心的思維,轉為以「病人」為中心的照護模式,方能因應未來社會的需要。 因此本研究首先依照What、Means、Then What的三段式架構與以人為本的理念,設計一套適合醫療服務體系的服務設計創新流程;並將之運用於改善中區某教學醫院的癌症門診化療的醫療服務品質,進而減輕病人在化療過程中的苦痛。本研究經過實地觀察、同理心、人物誌與情境故事等方法的洗禮,明顯地比傳統的方法更能深入問題的核心,發掘潛在的問題;多次的創意發想,則能開闊思維使創意團隊更具有創新思考的能力;進而驗證了本研究流程的可用性與效益性。


The subject of this thesis, as indicated in the recent wave of "human-centered design" at the domestic and worldwide levels, suggests a major shift from the "competition-oriented" business model to the "user-oriented" view. Shifting its focus to users’ experience, this trend regards the potential demands from users as the point of departure for the design of products or services. Focusing on users’ demands also better grasps of the fluctuation of the market, and there will be more industries and enterprises to follow suit in the foreseeable future. However, most discussions on the human-centered approach only provide a fixed procedure for execution, which is unsuitable for adjustment to particular situations a user might confront. This study attempts to combine various methods from different sources, to propose a three-stage framework of “What, Means, and Then What”, and to suggest that these various methods are merely selecting and combining different tools for use under this framework. With this in mind, users only need to follow the concept of human-centered design: for instance, in-depth observation, empathy, insight, fast modeling, team thinking and so on, and select the suitable combination of tools for use according to their particular situations. The service sector takes up a large proportion of the overall industry among the major countries in the world gradually, and it is therefore regarded as an important driving force in promoting a country's economic development. Although Taiwan’s industrial structure is also leaning towards the development of the service industry, the trend towards aging and the prevalence of chronic diseases which is gradually characterizing the social form of our nation has made the knowledge-based service industry for medical care more and more important, and significant progress in this regard has yet to come. In the future, the shift from a passe thinking that centers on "medical treatment" to a care model that is "patient-centered" is necessary to cater to the needs of the society. Therefore, this research employed the three-stage framework of “What, Means, and Then What” and the concept of human-centered design and devised an innovation process suitable for medical service system. This process was applied to improve the quality of the medical care of chemotherapy for cancer outpatients in a teaching hospital within the central area, subsequently alleviating patients’ suffering in the chemotherapeutic process. Through field observations, empathy, persona, scenario-oriented design and other methods, this research surpasses traditional methods in probing the core of the problem and discovering potential problems. In addition, through many times of creative brainstorming, groups seeking for originality could enhance their ability to think creatively and subsequently verify the availability and effectiveness of this research process.


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