  • 學位論文


Business Model Analysis of Parking System Industry-Illustrated by The Case of C Company

指導教授 : 鍾惠民 謝文良


世界各地的城市發展及擴張除了造成人口數的增加,汽車的持有量也不斷增長,停車位的缺口也因此逐漸擴大,人們面臨了停車位供不應求的問題。但同時,也為智慧停車產業帶來了發展的機會。 近年來金融科技的蓬勃發展,隨著實體經濟朝向資訊化、智慧化及個人化的商業模式和生活模式演變。智慧停車服務透過各種高科技,像是無線通信技術、GPS定位技術及GIS技術等,應用於停車位的規畫管理,甚至做到查詢、預定及導航等,在妥善運用物聯網、雲端、大數據、智慧終端設備、數位金融等技術與設備成熟下的智慧停車管理,讓駕駛對停車處所有選擇,能夠很便利地找到停車位,並且方便安心繳交停車費等。整合所有服務以極大化停車位資源利用率、最大化停車場的利潤以及最優化停車服務。 本篇論文係以個案研究法,首先透過哈佛商業評論瞭解商業模式的創新、成長曲線,再去研究C公司的案例,探討C公司的策略布局、財務預估及SWOT分析,並從中來看此公司的商業模式可能達到的目的及未來展望。


As country developing and expanding around the world cause the growth in population, more and more people hold their own vehicles. Nevertheless, there are no enough parking spaces, which means the parking space is in short supply. On the other hand, this problem provides a new developing opportunity to smart parking system industry. Fin-tech booms rapidly recent years, it affects the business and life mode from real economy to informational, intelligent and personalized ways. Smart parking service use various kinds of new technology, such as wireless communication technology, GPS and GIS to apply to the management of parking space. Not only in searching, reserving but also in the aspect of guiding. With the proper using of Internet of Things (IOT), cloud, big data and digital financing, smart parking system provides drivers to have more alternatives and can find their space more conveniently. This thesis is based on a case study. First we adopting Harvard business reviews to understand the innovation of business model, growing curve, then we study the case of C company. Analyzing the operation, financial predict of the C company, and according to their business model to study their future prospection.


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3. 張景翔,「商業智能與經營模式設計之文獻研究兼論與突破式創新演化之關係」,國立中央大學,企研所碩士論文,民國94年。
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