  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Growth Management Strategy in the High-Class Meat Industry in Taiwan :A Case of Japanese Beef

指導教授 : 楊千 劉敦仁


民以食為天,自古迄今皆然,觀之我國飲食文化,近幾十年來受到西風東漸的影響,傳統米食已不再是主要熱量供應來源,多元食材早已取而代之,而肉類產品與米食更成為此消彼長的最佳寫照。 由於可供食用肉品種類眾多,其中牛肉的消費量持續成長,但因我國牛肉自給率低於 5%,為滿足市場需求,進口牛肉無可避免,且幾乎完全佔有牛肉市場,且我國政府於民國 106 年 9 月解除禁令,開放禁止已久的日本牛肉重新進入國內市場,此舉使得消費者對高階牛肉商品的選擇性更多元化,同時也掀起傳統肉品商及非肉品業紛紛投入引進,形成百家爭鳴的時代風潮,銷售方式也從傳統的肉品專櫃、門市、高級餐廳延伸到電子商務及新穎的網路直播競標。 本文研究旨在探討多年成長的牛肉市場上,以日本和牛之高階肉品為例,研析高階肉品市場及產業上下游與競爭者現況,藉由對新進入市場之個案公司,進行核心競爭能力與競爭分析,根據產業分析與個案分析,提供個案公司未來策略建議。 研究發現,國人對日本和牛熟悉度高,但市場競爭激烈,由於產量少單價高,故消費習慣難以養成,加以生鮮肉品保鮮不易,這也導致經營上的瓶頸,有賴深化市場經驗以彌不足。


Bread has been the staff of life since ancient times. In recent decades, Taiwan has been influenced by the Western food culture. Rice has no longer been the primary source of calories, and multiple ingredients, including meat, have taken its place. There are many varieties of edible meat, and the consumption of beef continues to grow. In Taiwan, the rate of self-sufficiency in beef is less than 5%, so it is inevitable to import beef to meet market demand. Imported beef almost occupies the entire beef market. In September 2017, the government lifted the ban on importing Japanese beef, making consumers more selective about high-class beef products; in addition, traditional meat merchants and non-meat businesses have also imported Japanese beef to grab market share. Sales methods have also extended from traditional meat counters, stores, and high-end restaurants to e-commerce and live broadcasts. The purpose of this study is to explore the growing high-class meat market, upstream and downstream sectors of the industry, and competitors. Taking Japanese beef for example, the study conducted the core competence and competition analysis of a challenger in the high-class meat market and provided recommendations for future business strategies based on the results of analyses. The study found that people in Taiwan were highly familiar with Japanese beef. Due to the low output and high unit prices, competition in the market was fierce; therefore, itwas difficult to develop consumer behavior; in addition, it is not easy to keep fresh meat, which also leads to bottlenecks in management. Market experience should be improved to overcome such bottlenecks.


