  • 學位論文

基於 NFV MANO 對 5G 網路切片計費

Pricing 5G Network Slices based on NFV MANO

指導教授 : 林甫俊


隨著5G網路透過網路功能虛擬化將網路功能從傳統電信設備硬體中抽離,並以軟體方式執行,5G服務的計費和以往相比變得更加困難。5G服務是由網路切片提供,因此,5G計費需要充分了解網路切片內的資源使用情況並以一個有系統的方式去分析資源的使用。為了協助電信業者設計合理的5G服務定價策略,我們在之前的研究中提出基於ETSI NFV MANO定義的網路服務描述表(Network Service Descriptor - NSD)的計費分析方法和公式,用來一層一層探索NSD中與資源使用相關的參數,進而計算出5G服務的建議成本。NSD包含組成此網路切片的網路元件描述表,而這些描述表在不同層級之間因互相引用,如果用手動分析網路切片資源的使用並加以計費將是一個繁複且費時的過程,為了使我們設計出來的分析方法更容易應用且不易出現人為錯誤,在這篇論文中我們硏究並開發5GSlicePricingTool計費工具,藉由這工具我們把之前發展的分析方法和公式半自動化,並提供一友善的使用者介面。


The pricing of 5G services is very challenging because all 5G network components are moving toward software-based Virtual Network Function (VNF) enabled by Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). As network slices are used to deliver 5G services, pricing 5G services requires a good understanding of resource usage by a 5G network slice so that the pricing can be done in a systematic and logical way. To assist telecom operators in designing reasonable pricing for 5G services, we proposed a pricing procedure based on Network Service Descriptor (NSD) defined by ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group in our previous research. An NSD includes the descriptors of many constituent objects for the deployment of a 5G network slice. It has complex references between objects from different levels. Analyzing NSD manually to price the resource usage by a network slice is a complicated process. To make this pricing process more accessible and less human error prone, we now semi automate this process in a computer-aided 5GSlicePricingTool with a user friendly GUI.


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[2] NGMN Alliance, “Description of Network Slicing Concept,” Public Deliverable, 2016.
[3] ETSI GS NFV-EVE 012, “Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3; Evolution and Ecosystem; Report on Network Slicing Support with ETSI NFV Architecture Framework,” v3.1.1, Dec. 2017.
[4] C. Chen and F. J. Lin, C. Yu and W. Hu, “Exploration of Network Slice Charging in 5G Networks,” accepted by The Future Technologies Conference, 5-6 November 2020, Vancouver, Canada, accessible at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ETAApUfrN3USZ-B3yhUewuRc_3U2YevN.
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