  • 學位論文


Microwave/Millimeter-wave Amplifier Design using GaAs Enhancement/Depletion Mode Dual-Gate pHEMT

指導教授 : 詹益仁


隨著無線通訊的快速發展,相關的微波元件以及微波電路日趨重要。本論文主要討論雙閘極E/D-Mode pHEMT應用在射頻電路放大器的應用,由於雙閘極E/D-Mode pHEMT具有高fmax的特性以及製程上成本的優勢,目標是希望利用0.5 μm 雙閘極E/D-Mode pHEMT 實現0.15 μm pHEMT製程所製作的電路特性。 第一章為整篇論文的導論,第二章分析雙閘極E/E 和E/D-Mode pHEMT元件的直流、高頻和功率等特性,以及利用實際的電路驗證雙閘極E/E 和E/D-Mode pHEMT元件應用在實際電路上的可行性;元件量測上,利用HP IC-CAP軟體,配合HP-4142B直流分析儀與HP-8510C網路分析儀量測元件的直流、高頻特性,此外,也利用實驗室的Maury load pull 系統,量測元件的功率特性;第三章討論利用雙閘極E/E 和E/D-Mode pHEMT元件所設計的Ka-band 微波增益放大器,驗證雙閘極E/E 和E/D-Mode pHEMT元件在高頻電路上的可行性,第四章則是利用Lange耦合器搭配兩個獨立的微波增益放大器實現平衡式Ku /K-band的微波增益放大器;第五章則是延續雙閘極的架構,利用0.15 μm pHEMT疊接的架構設計一個V-band 寬頻低雜訊放大器;第六章歸納本論結果,並做一個結論。


The technology of the microwave is developed fast, the devices and the circuits about microwave is so important. We have studied the microwave/ millimeter-wave Amplifier Design using GaAs enhancement/depletion mode dual-gate pHEMT in the thesis. Because of the dual-gate E/D-Mode pHEMT owning the advantage of high fmax and low cost, we hope to design amplifier applied at high frequency using 0.5 μm dual-gate E/D-Mode pHEMT. In chapter two, we have analyzed the performance of the 0.5 μm dual-gate E/E and E/D-Mode pHEMT. In the chapter three and four, we have designed the amplifier applied at high frequency using 0.5 μm dual-gate E/E and E/D-Mode pHEMT. In chapter five, we have designed the V-band low noise amplifier using0.15 μm pHEMT according to dual-gate topology. In the final chapter, we summarized the results in this thesis.


amplifier pHEMT dual-gate e/d mode


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