  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林熙禎


由於科技迅速地進步,小體積、低耗電的感測器,仍然能夠具備資料處理及無線傳輸的能力。這類的感測器不但能偵測環境變化,更能將所得到的環境參數資訊簡單處理後透過無線通訊的功能傳回到後端的資訊系統。這種被稱為「無線感測網路」的新興技術有許多特色,例如容易佈建、可程式化、可動態重組網路…等,其中可程式化是未來無線感測網路的主要特色,透過可程式化的特性,服務提供者可以利用製造商所大量生產的感測器,建構特殊的應用環境。 本研究即著重於無線感測網路在工業上的應用,使用紅外線感測器,實際的佈建一無線感測網路系統,對工業用電力箱進行即時的溫度監控,改善傳統的人力量測方式,並降低工安意外發生的機率。由於國內在無線感測網路技術的發展起步較晚,目前除了少數政府資源外,其餘僅有大專院校等學術研究機構的專題論文研究或基礎技術之概念驗證,因此本研究率先提出工業上的實際應用,期望能夠提供有興趣踏入此領域的人員在系統佈建、管理上的參考。


無線感測網路 感測器 Zigbee


With the rapid development of technology, small-size, low power consuming sensors are capable of processing data and wireless transmission. These kinds of sensors not only could detect changes in the environment but also transmit the information to the back-end information system after processing the received data. This new technology, the so-called “wireless sensor network” is programmable, easy to deploy, and it enables dynamic routing network. The main characteristic of the wireless sensor network is that it is programmable. Service providers can use the mass-produced sensors to build an unique environment for each different application. The current study aims to investigate the application of wireless sensor network in industry. By using the infrared ray sensors to build up a wireless sensor network can monitor the temperature of the electric power box, improving the traditional way to measure temperature by men; thus, reduce work safety accidents. However, the “wireless sensor network” technology has a late start in Taiwan. Other than a few resources of the government and academic research studies, not much has been researched concerning the related area. Therefore, this research intends to provide practical applications of the “wireless sensor network” in industry. The study can also be served as a reference for future researchers who are interested in building and management of this field.


Sensor Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network


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