  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


豐田汽車的生產方法(簡稱是TPS)是豐田公司內部的前輩所創立,是一種獨創性的生產模式,經過多年來在現場生產進行中,一面生產一面改善,可說是根據徹底排除浪費的思想及追求製造方法的合理性的思想模式,完全貫徹於整個生產過程,使其系統化的一種生產方法,特別是在品質製造上生產出消費者所能接受的優質產品。 標準作業是汽車製造時的準繩,是指以人的動作為中心來集中工作,並配合機械的工作、配合Layout的設置,以沒浪費的、有效率的、且有秩序的方式生產,達到高品質性與低成本的汽車製造中心;標準作業在目前的生產作業條件下,對人、事、物做最有效的組合與分配,基本上能夠對於品質、成本、安全、作業性等項目做整體的提升,而且也可說是抑制製造過剩,做Just In Time生產的一個工具,此外標準作業也是生產製造工程上一個非常有用的改善手法。 本研究以個案研究的研究方法,通過對個案汽車公司多年來在內部的生產上與外部宏觀環境的汽車産業的整體環境、在公司內部推動情況與所採取的競爭策略,以及公司未來發展方向,籍此研究汽車製造廠在國內汽車産業之發展現況及競爭策略作爲自身企業在製造方向之參考。因此,本研究的目的如下: 1、分析國內汽車產業環境的變化,對整體汽車産業的影響。 2、對於汽車製造産業的引進建教生、契約工等對生產品質的影響。 3、探討個案公司在國內汽車市場的競爭策略、闡述如何使用標準作業的改善來提昇製造品質與降低成本,增加公司的競爭力。


The Toyota Production System (TPS) was build from of Toyota organization and it is a unique production model. This production combines management philosophy and practices in order to achieve highest production efficiency and cost reduction, including providing the best quality and satisfactions to their customers. Standard operating procedure (SOP) is the yardstick of automobile manufacture; it is based on mechanic and machinery operation set up to create no wasting, efficiency to achieve highest product quality and low cost reduction automobile manufacture. Currently SOP provides a best combination of management and practices basically enhance the quality, price, safety and operation of automobile manufacture, also avoid production excess, based on “Just In Time” (JIT) production, in addition SOP is a very useful amendment for automobile production. This report based on the case study of the automobile company and look into their production systems and macro environments and current situations of organization, sales strategies and finally their future plans and development goals. In order to investigate the environment and develop competitive strategies of automobile manufacture industry in Taiwan to provide a direction and strategies to own enterprise. The purpose of this report below: 1. The report analyses the Industry Task Environment change. 2. Analyze the comparison of Automobile Industry. 3. Investigate the case study of Taiwan Automobile market about their sales strategies and describe how TPS improve the production quality and cost reduction and improve the advantages of company.


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魏郁芳(2015)。汽車裝配製程改善方法探討 -以某汽車製造公司為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500676
