  • 學位論文


Oxygen-sensitive lightwave sensitivity of photomultiplier tube correction platform development II

指導教授 : 江士標




This paper describes the calibration procedure of photomultiplier tube before the actual implementation of space missions. These photomultiplier tubes is mounted on the payload developed by our laboratory in the MAI mission. There are two photomultiplier tubes need to calibrate , which are used to measure the airglow under the wavelength of 630-nm and 135.6-nm.The platform uses a standard light source to irradiate the photomultiplier tube and the calibrated optical power sensor head to establish the sensitivity characteristic curve of the photomultiplier tube.To achieve this goal, we have designed a special dark box mechanism. There are some designs in the dark box including light path, optical attenuator, and air passage design.In order to increase the reusability of the platform, swappable card slot, VMIO human-computer interface, and ventilation system are also built into the device.


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