  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 朱致遠 周建成


摘要 因應大型活動或道路工程,進行公車路線調整為市區公車營運規劃不可避免的問題。本研究考量市區公車之路線規劃及車輛排程原則,並以最小化營運成本以及乘客等候成本為目標,提出公車路線調整之數學最佳化模式。 此外,本研究採用數學規劃軟件CPLEX配合AMPL模式的撰寫進行最佳化求解,以範例測試模式之有效性。本模式可供營運單位因應道路封閉調整路線,並可分析路線調整之影響,以確保路線調整之合理性與有效性。


Abstract In response to large-scale events and road maintenance, bus route adjustment is an unavoidable problem for bus operators. This study considers the practice of bus route and schedule planning to develop an optimization model for bus route adjustment. The objective of the model is to minimize operating cost and passenger waiting cost. In addition, the mathematical programming software CPLEX along with of the modeling language AMPL is adopted to carry out the optimization task. The usefulness of the proposed model is tested by examples. This model could provide bus operators a tool to adjust routes in response to road closing. It could also be used to analyze the impact of route adjustments and ensure their effectiveness.


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