

摘要 本研究以張永作為研究主題,探討張永在明中葉政治中的作為。從張永的行事中,分析張永在御用監太監時的政治運作,透過張永參與的政治活動,可以了解張永在明代中葉政治中的運作與影響。 正德16年,自武宗去世至世宗即位期間,皇位空缺三十七天,明代政局出現危機。張永在世宗入朝前,協助內閣排除危機並穩定局勢。張永多次關鍵性的政治參與,使明代中葉的政局得以穩定,國祚延續百餘年。因此,御用監太監張永,實是影響明代中後期政局發展的重要人物。 張永為外廷稱為「八虎」之一,在正德初年的內府與外廷鬥爭中,獲得了政治權力。正德五年,張永藉機傾去劉瑾,繼掌大權;但未安分謹身,旋遭罷斥。正德十四年,隨武宗南征寧王,雖未制衡其他隨征權倖;但能挺身而出,屢為王守仁辯駁,保全王守仁的政治生命。正德十六年,則是配合楊廷和的安排,並協助擒捕江彬,穩定京師政局及民情。 太監張永的崛起,實有其內、外之因素,內則以東宮內侍,獲得政治參與的機會;外則利用安化王之亂,誅除政敵劉瑾。另外,張永能與外廷文官勢力結合,先與楊一清合作誅除劉瑾;其次,保全王守仁;再其次,協助楊廷和瓦解豹房勢力;最後,則是協助楊一清整頓嘉靖朝的團營。綜觀張永所為,對於當時的朝局有著相當重要的影響力。然若始終以一掌權太監論斷,而忽略其在明中葉政治上所扮演的關鍵性角色,則有失公允。


張永 楊一清 御用監太監 明武宗 正德朝


Abstract This research is based on Zhang yong(1465-1529) as the theme of study,which is concerning to investigate Zhang yongs political performance in the mid-period of Ming Dynasty. According to the behavior of Zhang yong, we can analyse the changes of interpersonal relationships and power while Zhang yong taking Imperial eunuch. Base on the history of Zhang yong participating in the political campaign, we can understand the political operation and influence of Zhang yong in the mid-period of Ming Dynasty. The emperor Zheng-de passed away in 16th year of Zheng-de. During the period of the emperor Zheng-de death and the emperor Jia-jing ascended, the throne was vacant for 37 days. The political situation of Ming Dynasty was an imminent crisis. But Zhang yong overcame the crisis before the new emperor reached the capital. Because of his successive decision, the political situation in the Ming Dynasty got steadily and the Ming Dynasty was extended for another 100 years. So Zhang yong was a very important person indeed who influenced the development in mid- periods of Ming Dynasty. 1506, Zhang yong gained power in the political struggle. 1510, Zhang yong and Yang Yi-qing, to let Liu Jin losing power and influence. 1519, Zhang yong participated in the battle, and protected Wang Shou-ren’ life. 1521, Zhang yong stable the political situation with Yang ting-he.Before his death at the age of 63, Zhang Yong was re-assigned by the emperor Jia-jing to assist for reorganizing the troop affairs. The rise of Zhang Yong,he accumulated his own political power through cooperation with the civil officers to consolidate his power. In addition, during the two campaign for the prince's rebellion, he was persuaded by Yang Yi-Cing and Wang Shou-Ren and cooperated with them due to concerning people's living. Through the study of Zhang Yong, we can have a glimpse into the abilities of the eunuchs in power in Ming dynasty, and also can better understand the Zheng-de period's political situation trends. In fairness, Zhang Yong had considerable influence of the Ming Dynasty.



