  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蕭述三


本研究以長時間連續化過濾為目標,進行整合系統最適化改善設計與連續過濾驗證,以達到長時間連續除塵過濾,而所得結果將可提供未來高溫熱模除塵系統建置之依據。在系統最適化改善設計方面,主要進行粉塵供應系統與濾材/粉塵滾筒篩分系統氣密性改善項目,其改善後粉塵供應系統之設計,將可穩定且精確的供應連續化過濾粉塵量;而在濾材/粉塵滾筒篩分系統氣密性上,針對滾筒進料口與顆粒床體下料閥銜接處、滾筒出料口與濾材循環再生系統進行氣密性改善設計,以達到整合系統氣密性與濾材循環再生目的。連續過濾驗證方面,針對濾材/粉塵滾筒篩分性能與長時間連續過濾進行一系列實驗測試與分析。在濾材/粉塵篩分性能上,而過濾後出口粉塵比例與篩分效率等參數,將影響篩分性能的好壞。由出口粉塵比例結果可知,在滾筒轉速42.5 rpm與滾筒角度5°時,有著最佳篩分效率。在長時間連續化過濾驗證方面,針對所建立與改善設計後的整合循環顆粒床過濾系統,實際探討床體壓降、過濾效率與出口粉塵粒徑變化間的影響,由實驗結果可知在濾材質量流率240 g/min及過濾自由表面風速50 cm/s的條件下,可以得到較佳的過濾效率與較小的出口粉塵粒徑排放,而在長時間24小時連續過濾下,過濾效率與出口粉塵粒徑( )分別可達98.9% 與7 μm,由此結果將可達到長時間連續化過濾運轉之目標,並提供未來建立中高溫除塵技術開發與商業化依據。


The goals of this study is for longtime continuity filtering by optimizing design of granular bed and sub system, and executing systematic continuity operation test to reach longtime continuity filtering functioning. There are the improvements of dust supply and the airtightness of trommel screen system for optimizing designing. After improving dust supply steadily and accurately with suitable vibrating time ratio for the continuity filtration. On the airtightness of trommel screen system, we have improved connections between granular bed, screen system and regeneration system. For the systematic continuity operation test, there are series of experiments of screen performance and integration system continuity filtration test. For the continuity filtration procedure, the ratio of ash would influence on screen performance. With the results, ratio of dust, we can have the best results in rotational speed 42.5 rpm and tilt angle 5°. There would be the highest filtration efficiency and the lowest discharged particle size by 240 g/min of media mass flow rate and 50 cm/s of surface velocity for the continuity filtration test with the system after optimization, filtration efficiency and the discharged particle size( ) could reach 98.9% and 7μm respectively. The filtration performance reached the target of a continuous integration system and longtime filtration operation from the above research results, which could be provided information of commercialization system in the future.


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