  • 學位論文


An automation system of Continuous-Flow Sequencing Batch Reactor

指導教授 : 廖述良


在傳統廢水處理系統中,雖然已引進大量之監測裝置,但卻無法提供控制系統判斷之依據與確保系統運作過程中異常現象之排除,進而導致系統處理效率與效益不彰。因此,透過自動控制系統之建立,並藉由及時監測資訊作為即時回饋控制修正與判斷之依據,不僅可確保系統出流水水質之穩定性,同時亦可提升系統處理效率與效益。 本研究是利用pH、ORP、DO及MLSS等及時監測資訊以進行系統異常分析與判斷。針對其異常現象之判定以制定一套程問題解決標準化之流程步驟,並藉由即時回饋控制以修正操作策略,進而建立連續流循序批分式活性污泥之自動控制系統。藉由系統物件觀、系統觀、事件觀之分析方式,將系統劃分為三層級之架構,以界定其系統、夥同系統及內部子系統之組成、結構、架構、因果及作用機制,並蒐集其劃分之資訊以確實瞭解監測資訊之變動其所代表之意義。接著,根據藉由物質濃度變化與pH、ORP及時監測資訊變動建立數學關係式,以作為系統預警性異常或即時異常判斷之依據。最後,透過系統異常之確立,可針對異常之現象透過問題瞭解、問題求解及問題解決之步驟程序以進行問題分析,並藉由問題分析之產出而即時修正系統之操作策略,進而建立自動控制系統,以滿足與符合系統之需求。


In traditional, Wastewater treatment plant has already been using monitoring system to operate, not just it can’t provide control system to determine and obviate the abnormal situation, but also brings treatment plant processing procedure inefficient and ineffective. Therefore, using real-time monitoring to feedback control processing procedure and making automation system, which not only as regards the degree of water treatment possible, but also the quality of that treatment. Continuous-Flow Sequencing Batch Reactor (CFSBR) was been determined and obviate the abnormal situation by real-time monitoring, which consist of using PH, ORP, DO, and MLSS sensor as the control parameters under different operation condition. Using a standard operating procedure and feedback control processing procedure to change into optimal performance, finally, building the automation system. Frist of all, collected information in which was had been to definition of CFSBR by system thinking and system analysis. According mathematical relationship of the gradient of concentration and real-time monitoring of PH and ORP data to in-time determine or forecast with abnormal situation. After all, using the standard operating procedure of problem-solving to make decision-making to optimal performance until regards the degree of water treatment possible and the quality of that treatment.


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