  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 沈建文


近年來,創業已成為重要的產業趨勢,因此有許多研究探討創業的相關議題,而以往的相關研究,較少從城市的角度分析其對創業環境的影響,從社群媒體的觀點進行創業探討的文獻數量也不常見。然而,社群媒體在近年來已是社會大眾溝通分享訊息的重要工具,其訊息也直接或間接的反映了社會的趨勢與民眾的看法。因此,本研究於Twitter上利用社群媒體探勘,了解美國主要城市創業精神及新創公司之特性,更藉此歸納比較城市間之差異。研究結果顯示各城市新創事業所屬之產業特性多以科技發展為主,例如Chicago重視大數據分析,San Jose發展物聯網,及Denver跨入智慧家庭的市場等。另外,新創公司所提供的工作職缺多以管理者、工程師、開發師及行銷與銷售專員等為主,例如Los Angeles徵求管理者、工程師、網頁開發人員與行銷人才。各地區之創業訊息傳遞之管道,多來自地方新聞、網路媒體與期刊三種,而創業精神與新創公司相關之訊息內容則涵蓋多元,包含有創業會議活動、創業競賽、獎項、社會事件與議題及創新育成中心的發展等。本研究亦發現各城市的創業家也都擁有不同的創業故事,除了受邀專訪外,也在創業會議上分享創業歷程與經驗傳承。因此,社群媒體探勘的結果顯示各城市區域間創業精神與新創公司的特性差異,本研究將有助於區域產業發展與提供個人創業規劃的參考。


In recent years, there are growing interests in the issues of entrepreneurship. However, previous studies related to entrepreneurship and startups usually focus on the discussions of demographic statistics and human capital. Few studies address these issues from the perspective of city or social media. Because the use of social media plays an important role in today’s business environment, social media directly or indirectly reflects social trends and public opinions. Hence, this study aims to apply social media mining on twitter to understand the characteristics of entrepreneurship and startups, among major cities in the United States. From the perspective of industry, findings of this research suggest that technology is a major trend for startups in big cities. For example, big data analysis is a major trend for Chicago’s startups. From the perspective of job, startups usually provide the positions on manager, engineer, developer, sales and marketing. From the perspective of media, findings indicate entrepreneurial news is usually from local media, internet and journals. Besides, the contents of the news are about entrepreneurial conference, entrepreneurial competition, and incubation centers. From the angle of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs like to have speeches and share their experiences through conferences and the Internet. Because different cities show different characteristics on entrepreneurship and startups, municipal agencies and related organizations can refer the findings of this study for future development and investment on entrepreneurial environment.


Entrepreneur Startup City Research Social Media Text Mining


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