  • 學位論文


The effect of psychological warmth on the choice psychological warmth

指導教授 : 林建煌


感官刺激(sensory-stimuli.)對消費者影響的不只是生理的感受,還有更深層的心理狀態。心理狀態可用心理溫度來表示,心理溫度的高低間接影響著消費者的決策以及行為模式。 本研究以三種實驗設計分別為視覺、聽覺以及口腔體感覺等感官刺激作為操弄消費者心理溫度之自變數,並探討消費者心理溫度是否因受到不同的感官刺激而有改變,進而對志工類型(社會互動性高/社會互動性低)、食物類型(健康類食物/非健康類食物)、穿衣風格(隨興/非隨性)以及贈品類型(享樂性/功能性)抉擇之影響。 研究結果如下: 1.受測者在感官刺激下,心理溫度皆會受到影響,暖的感官刺激相較冷的感官刺激會有較高的心理溫度。 2.受測者在心理溫度高時偏向選擇參加社會互動性高的志工活動,反之偏好選擇參加社會互動性低的志工活動。 3.受測者在心理溫度高時偏向選擇選健康的食物類型,反之偏好選擇非健康食物類型。 4.受測者在心理溫度高時偏向選擇功能屬性贈品,反之偏好選擇享樂屬性贈品。 5.穿衣風格選擇差異只在口腔體感覺實驗中成功,受測者在心理溫度高時偏向選擇非隨性的穿衣風格,反之偏好選擇隨興穿衣風格


The impact of Sensory stimulation on consumers is not only their feelings but their psychological warmth. Mental condition can be represented by psychological warmth. Psychological warmth indirectly makes an impact on decision-making and behavior patterns of consumers. In this study, we design three experiments: visual stimulation, auditory stimulation and taste stimulation. We take them as sensory stimulation variables of manipulating consumers’ psychological warmth and investigate whether consumers’ psychological warmth will change due to different types of sensory stimulations. Besides, we study on consumer choices of the type of volunteers (high social interaction / low social interaction), the type of food (healthy food / unhealthy food), the dressing style (casual / regular) and the gift type (Hedonic / Utilitarian).The results show that: 1.people’s psychological warmth will be influenced by the sensory stimulation. 2.Comparing the warmth stimulation with the cold one, the warmth stimulation has higher psychological warmth. 3.When people’ psychological warmth is high, they tend to choose participating in volunteer community activity with high social interaction, on the contrary participating in volunteer activity with low social interaction. 4.When people’ psychological warmth is high, they tend to choose healthy food on the contrary choose type of unhealthy food. 5.When people’ psychological warmth is high, they tend to choose the utilitarian type of gifts on the contrary choose the hedonic type of gifts. 6.When people’ psychological warmth is high, they tend to to choose regular style of dressing on the contrary choose causal style of dressing in the taste experiment.


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